Local Services, Businesses, Farms, Artisans, Crafters, Products
Marlow residents support and provide many local businesses, services and products.
Please consider contacting the services listed here for your needs.
Please also email information about other area businesses that could be added to help all of us support local efforts. Thanks.
Automotive Services
Rust repair, mechanical work, shocks, brakes, oil changes, welding
oil undercoating, exhaust, motorcycle repair, tune ups
Artists, Authors, Crafters
Wood crafts, watercolor paintings, novels, poetry, wool products, goat milk products
Farm Products and Services
Wool products, soaps, eggs, maple products,
veggie starts, pasture raised meats,
horse riding lessons, boarding, training, and sales
Food and Retail
Ice cream, coffee, BBQ and hot foods
Locally sourced food products, crafts and art
Farm stand
Residential Services
Electric work, plumbing, construction,
yard work, plowing