Marlow Women's Fellowship of Christian Service

The Women’s Fellowship of Christian Service works to support the ministry of the church and maintain the Chapel. The monthly organizing of Friendly Meals, serving and cleanup is provided through the Fellowship. The group helps with support of the Bruce family, missionaries serving in Ecuador, and provide help for needs in the community. We collect needed articles for the Women’s Prison in Goffstown, donate to Home Healthcare in Keene who provide dinners for Friendly Meals, and give food cards at holiday time to food pantry families.
Friendly Meals
Marlow Friendly Meals are held at Odd Fellows Hall the
first Tuesday of the month. Coffee is at
11:30 am and the meal is served at 12:00 pm. Anyone 60+ is invited. Meals are
free, with donations appreciated. This
program is provided by Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services. Call Sharon Davis 446-7064 or Gerry Plotts
446-3490 with your reservation by noon on the Monday before. Rides can be provided.
On Saturday's from 9AM to 11Am the Chapel is open to stop in for coffee, refreshments, and catching up on news with your neighbors. The Gathering Place is hosted by different town organizations and donations support their projects.
The first records of this Society go back to 1879. The Society was then called the "Lady’s Society". Dues were received at that time from Mrs. Burnap, Mrs. Fisk and Mrs. Sayles. There may have been more members but their names are not available.
In 1893 the records would indicate that the "Ladies Society" and the "Dorcas Society" merged. In 1905 the name of the Society was changed to the "Ladies Aid Society". This was recorded at a meeting held on April 5, 1905.
Methods of making money in the early 1900's were very much as they are today. The treasurers reports show proceeds from Sugar Parties, Sociables, Suppers, Lawn Parties and Ice Cream Sales. Ice Cream sales were held every week during the summers of 1905 to 1910 and the proceeds usually were from $7.00 to $10.00 on each sale.
The first Saving Account was opened in the Cheshire County Savings Bank on February 1st, 1906. This was under the name of the "Ladies Aid Society" and the first deposit was $50.00. In October 1946 the savings had grown to $456.42 and the book shows only one withdrawal in the forty years.
In 1910 New Hymnals were bought for the church.
In 1912 New Floors were laid in the Parsonage.
On March 16, 1915 the Society became a Voluntary Corporation and filed an Article of Agreement with the Secretary of State.
August 20, 1916 the Chapel where the meetings were held burned. The Treasurers Reports indicate a great deal of work on the part of the members and a very generous community spirit among the townspeople following the fire.
Mr. Elgin A. Jones deeded to the Society a building known as Jones Store (built by his father in 1859). This building was moved to the site of the first Chapel at considerable expense to the members. Contribution in the amount of $195.35 were received to restore the Chapel. Mr. Jones gave $10.00 to paint the inside.
A campaign was then started to put electricity into this new building. Electricity was not available to Marlow so Mr. Walter Watson of the Watson-Williams Co. in Marlow set up his own power plant. He furnished electricity from 1917 to 1939. The first payment to the Public Service Co. of NH was made in 1939.
October 2, 1940 the name of the Society was changed to "Women's Society of Christian Service". The membership then was 30.
In 1947 money was raised to install an Estey Electric Organ in the church.
In 1951 it was voted to raise enough money to put a new carpet in the Church. The members concentrated on this project for two years. Estimated cost of the rug was $800.00 in 1953.
The Chapel, as it is known today, is identified by an old black and white sign reading "Methodist Chapel." Under the umbrella of the Methodist Church the building is operated and maintained by the Women's Fellowship of Christian Service and is available for community use.
Secretary: Barbara White - 446-2281
Treasurer - Linda Russell