Historical Society
Executive Board Meeting
October 6, 2011
6:30 PM, Chapel
Present: Maria Baril,
Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Johanna Kent, Loisanne Foster, and Joanne Thomas.
Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report which was accepted with an amendment to
the Tinshop Fence Restoration cost.
Mary presented the Treasurer’s
report. Despite the raw weather, we made $776.75. After deducting the cost of
sales items, $78.75, $698.00 will go toward paying the Tinshop Fence Project
bill. Our profit for the day is increased by the mystery donor who returned
to MHS the cash he won on the 50/50 raffle. Our ending balance in the
treasury is $7,576.63. The report was accepted as given.
We organized for the “Runaway Wives” New Hampshire Humanities Council Program
by historian, Marcia Schmidt Blaine, to be held on Saturday, October 29 at
6:00 PM at Jones Hall to be followed by a dessert buffet. Joanne will do the
school contact and the sandwich signs. Loisanne will do the newspaper
publicity and the Marlow web site. Maria will do the fliers at the Odd
fellows breakfast. Mary will do the posters which we will all post and the
radio. We will ask John and Sandy Salo or Donna Chase to host the event. We
will e-mail members and call people when the e-mail bounces back. We will all
bring a dessert and a decoration. At 5:00 PM we will set up an 8’ table and a
4’ table and Mary will bring the “skirts” and cloths. Mary will also open the
heat vents the day before. Joanne will take care of the fire warden’s
permission. Gen will call seven additional people to ask for desserts. Maria
will make decaf coffee and bring cream and sugar. Mary will add soda. Joanne
will bring cider. Joanne will do the NHHC surveys and introduction. We will
all help take down after the event.
The Tinshop Pond Fence needs one more coat of paint and will get it soon.
Tony Davis and his crew, Mark Bragg and Charles (Chuckie) Elliott) cut down
the trees and brush behind the fence. Loisanne will write thank you notes to
these men and to our anonymous donor of the 50/50 raffle winnings.
We discussed the dimensions, design, and materials for the Tinshop Fence
Donor Plaque and also whether or not it should be an “open” plaque with room
to add more donors for the upkeep. R.J. Sports will make us a 22” x 12 “
plaque for $84.00. Al Blank has volunteered to make a 36” x 30’ sign for the
fence like that at the Town Pound. He will paint it. We can order a Marlow seal
for it from R.J. Sports.
We also decided to order a Marlow seal for the town truck and one for Murray
Hall (The Grange). We considered ordering small ones to sell for cars and
Maria is investigating the possibility of getting rid of the sick maple tree
at one end of the fence and the maple at the other. If they fell, they would
take down the fence and the retaining wall. The Conservation Commission will
get back to her.
Maria and Joanne are working in our archives filing and consolidating. We need
another archival box for the new town meeting booklets. Maria will be the
docent at the museum on Oct. 16 so she can perhaps
work on the files at that time.
Johanna suggested a photograph of The Chapel where the MHS museum is housed
to be placed on the list of MHS contacts and schedule.
The CALL class group determined to meet on Tuesday, Nov. 1 to rehearse our
class presentation. “CALL” stands for College of Adult Lifelong Learning”.
Joanne, Mary, and Loisanne will teach a class on Marlow history on Friday,
November 4. They are preparing an accompanying Powerpoint presentation which
will be useful at other times as well.
We discuss Geri Plotts’ textile donation which we opened at the Annual
Meeting. Joanne suggested that we contact the Professional Antiquarian
Association. One woman is listed as a clothing expert. Joanne has drafted a
letter asking if she could come to assess the collection and advise us on how
to interpret and preserve what we have. We could also design a program around
these textiles.
For Christmas on the Pond, we will order decals, as mentioned above. Mary
will research the possibility to selling Marlow mugs. We decided that a Randy
Plotts black line picture would be best.
We need to research and renew the MHS insurance policy.
The Murray Hall subcommittee is being formed. Ed Dalenta would like to be
included. We will ask Tom Fuschetto and Joe Baril and Ed Thomas. Joanne and
Mary will also be part of it.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster