School Board Minutes of Regular Meeting October 2008

October 8, 2008 / Minutes of Regular Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 7:30 p.m.


Stephanie Tickner, Board Member, Vice Chair, Nancy Tomasko, Board Member, Ken Dassau, Board Member, Marcia Levesque, Board Member, Phyllis Peterson, Principal, Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools, Brenda Finn, Assistant to the Co-Superintendents of Schools, Timothy Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns, Jill Wdowiak. Recording Secretary

Also in Attendance:

Carol Stewart

1.    Call to Order

Ms. Tickner called the School Board lneeting to order at 7:42 p.m. in the absence of Mr. Scharf.

2.    Approval of Minutes

The following change should be made to the minutes of September 10, 2008 (R). The minutes should reflect that Ms. Tickner called the board meeting to order, in the absence of Mr. Scharf. It should also reflect that Mr. Scharf arrived at 7:50 pm. A motion was made by Ms. Tomasko to approve the amended board minutes of September 10, 2008 (R) and September 3, 2008 (Retreat). Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

3.    Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups

Ms. Tomasko reported on behalf of the PTA, that it was refreshing to see the staff involved and taking part in the recent PTA meeting. Ms. Levesque informed the Board about the publishing of a newspaper that will be published 4 times a year and will link the school with the town. She added that this paper will be typed by Ms. Tomasko and a community member has offered to proof read this publication. Ms. Levesque added that it's nice to see the change in the town. Mr. Dassau suggested that the newspaper be available through the town website as well as the school districts website.

4.    Bills and Manifest

A motion was made by Ms. Tomasko to approve the bills and manifests (cks # 50014855001517) in the amount of $62,601.64. Mr. Dassau seconded the notion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

5.    Financial Report

Mr. Ruehr distributed the financial report showing a net available balance of $34,842 as of October 8, 2008. Mr. Ruehr explained that it is early in the year but that it shows where we budgeted salary and benefits and where we ended up.

6.    Reports

a.    Principal

Ms. Peterson presented her principal's report. She updated the Board on the maintenance and the problems that came up with the heating burner. Mr. Ruehr explained that we haven't had good luck with it and that we failed state inspection twice. He continued that he thinks there could be a problem with the underground oil storage tank and may need to be replaced. Mr. Ruehr explained that it will need to be dug up to be sure. He adds that the tank is due for replacement and would expect that this will be taken care of before the next board meeting.

b.    Co-Superintendent

Mr. Woolridge introduced Brenda Finn, Assistant to the Co-Superintendents, to the Board. He shared upcoming meetings such as the Advisory Budget meeting that will be held on October 27th in which a board representative will be needed. He also shared information regarding the possibility of Surry joining SAU #29.

c.    School Board Members


d.    S.A.U. 29 Committees

Previously discussed

7.    Old Business

a.    Other - None

8.    New Business

a.    2009-2010 Budget Items

Mr. Woolridge explained to the Board that as Ms. Peterson builds the budget for next year that now would be a good time to let her know if there is anything that you'd like her to consider putting in the budget. Ms. Peterson shared that she'd like to continue fixing up the outside of the building as well as replacing the door to her office. She also explained that Marlow is the last town to still offer half-day kindergarten in the district and would like to identify the costs and discuss this further. The status of the current swing set was discussed as well as the PTA looking into purchasing an additional one.

Mr. Ruehr informed the Board that the town is paying to maintain the generator through this year and the town would like the school district to fund it for the following year. Mr. Ruehr shared that the cost is approximately $500. He reminded the Board that we are the emergency shelter location and we would be paying for the gas to run it. A motion was made by Ms. Levesque that we maintain the cost to run the generator out of next years budget. Ms. Tomasko seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

b.    Other


9.    Future Agendas!

  • November - Status of Students at KHS
  • November - Establish Town Tuition Rates for 2008-2009
  • December - Status of Marlow Students at KMS

10.Non-Public Session R.S.A.91-A:3



Ms. Tickner adjourned the board Ineeting at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary