May 5, 2011 at the Chapel
Present for the discussion of the Tin Shop Pond fence: Joe Baril, Al Blank,
Tony Davis, and Lyle Handy
Present for discussion of the Tin Shop fence and David McLanahan cards: David
Present for the entire meeting: Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Loisanne
Foster, Johanna Kent, and Joanne Thomas
Old Business
Tin Shop Fence Restoration
We have a number of proposals for the Tin Shop fence restoration. They are
confusing for purposes of comparison because some are more specific than
others. Some include disposal of the old fence materials. Others don't. Some
rely on a limited amount of volunteer labor. Others don't. Various materials
and methods are included in various proposals. To solve this difficulty, a
committee has been formed to write a uniform set of "specs,"
including the method of installation, before we seek new bids. We wish to
give preference to local contractors. On the committee are Joe Baril, Al
Blank, Tony Davis, and Lyle Handy.
Gen commented: "We have ruled out Monadnock Fence [the most expensive],
but let's include Brian Gallion, but time-frame is critical, and now we would
go to the end of the line."
We mentioned Brad Hubbard and Mark Ide as possible contractors for the fence.
Joanne commented: "Communication is a big issue. We need to have things
pinned down."
Joe Baril noted: "We need to specify the material. Red cedar is not
available. White cedar is available. Eight-foot sections are available.
Sixteen foot sections can be ordered, but they are more expensive.
We leaned toward white cedar as a more durable wood than other choices. We
agreed that the eight-foot sections would be fine. The "Specs" Committee
left to deliberate separately.
[Next we heard a proposal from David McLanahan about his Marlow cards. See
under New Business.]
Archives Room Work, Report by Joanne Thomas
We propose keeping The Mirror Farmer because we are an agricultural community
and The Cold River Journal because it was published in near-by Alstead. We
She asked about The New York Tribune. We decided to move it on. Joanne
proposed to ask Pastor Eric from the Church if he would like to archive The
Sunday School Times, published in Philadelphia. We agreed.
Joanne entered a list of materials she and Maria had culled from the archives
room. Some are in the New Hampshire State Archives. The New Hampshire
Sentinels are donated to Loisanne Foster. The New Hampshire volumes of legal
proceedings and precedents are donated to Pam Little. Some are going to The
Homestead Bookshop in Swanzey. Mr. Kenney will send a donation to MHS for
them. We have an enormous volume of things yet to move out. For instance, a
number of Smithsonian books. Each volume weighs five pounds. These are
treasures, but not Marlow treasures.
Joanne proposed forming guidelines for accepting material donations to MHS.
Quilt Storage
Our quilts were shown at the quilt show along with accompanying documentation.
Shelving space is now available for holding them in the archives room. Joanne
has researched archival storage options. The larger of the two sizes of box
for archival storage of textiles is $71.00 for a 41 x 18 x 10 " unit. We
decided to order three of them, one for each of out three historic quilts.
Mary is waiting to hear from "the baseball guy" who has promised to
speak for MHS. We hope to feature him in the summer, in June, if possible.
We will soon be choosing a fall NHHC program. We are considering, "I
Have Doctored Myself as Well as I Could" by Ursula Smith and "Baked
Beans and Fried Clams" by Edie Clark, well-known local author.
Sentinel On-line Subscription
Since we have been so faithful in sending in "As We Were"
photographs and articles this year, we hope that The Keene Sentinel will be
willing to allow us an on-line subscription so that we can more easily record
and archive the materials that pertain to Marlow. Mary is working on this.
She has contacted David Hanks at The Sentinel Office about this, but has no
word yet.
MHS Perkins School Support Program
Loisanne showed a binder with photos and explanations of thirty-two items in
our Hands-on-History boxes on loan to the Perkins School this year and one
item, a glass egg. Of these items, fifteen are on loan from Josh and Faith
Conley and will be returned during the summer. The other seventeen are in the
permanent collection. Loisanne plans to continue adding to the collection on
behalf of MHS. The boxes will be kept at MHS and will be loaned to the school
on request.
Loisanne also handed out copies of a children's skit she wrote about Marlow
settlement. The school will probably present it the fall as part of another
Loisanne has represented MHS at Perkins School, helping the children write Marlow
the Beautiful poetry and presenting (more) historical information about their
favorite Marlow places.
Addition to MHS On-Line Forum
Aaron Thomas has completed his work on the Forum addition, a website which
allows pictures and can feature events and announcements in an
attention-getting manner. With our interactive Forum, a website featuring the
Lyme, CT - Marlow, NH connection, our presence on Dave Stewart's Marlow
website, the MHS Facebook page Mary put up, and Aaron Thomas' addition, we
must be the most on-line historical society anywhere! These sites bring us
contacts and support from across the country.
New Business
Statement of Intention, Maria
Maria announced that she cannot continue to fill the position she has, Vice
President in name, but carrying the burden of presidency as we have no
President. She is willing to continue in the position until the next
election. After that, she is willing to continue working hard on our
projects. Maria is doing a fine job, and we all appreciate what she
accomplishes. We regret her decision. We are thankful for her willingness to
continue to work for the good of MHS and the Town, and we understand her need
to be released from the burden of the entire responsibility for all we do. We
will be looking for someone to shoulder the burden of MHS Presidency.
Memorial Day
Memorial Day ceremonies will be held Sunday, May 29th. The MHS Museum will be
open from 9:30 AM until noon. The service will be at 10:30 AM. We are
disappointed that this year the Veterans have not been able to locate an
available band for the occasion. As usual, MHS will serve soda, water, and
coffee (billed to the Town Recreational Fund) and Maria will pick up the
doughnuts in Westminster.
The next meeting will be June 2, 2011 at 6:30 PM at the Chapel.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster