Marlow Historical Society Minutes - May 2009
Present: Pam Little, Maria Baril, Gen Els, Candy Wiggum
The meeting convened at 6:30. Minutes were accepted as amended. The budget was reviewed and accepted. We briefly discussed when Bucky might be doing the window sashes at the Grange.
There was no membership report. Maria is still pursuing folks who have not renewed.
Program report: The Bob Goody presentation at the Frances Perkins school was a big success. Pam read a letter from the principal. Our next Humanities program is Nov. 12.
Old Business:
No date has been set for planting the 3 remaining elms.
The May meeting on 1960’s is postponed because several people are going to be gone. The joint conservation commission/historical society meeting was also postponed.
We discussed the Burnap House tour. It’s a great old house. It will soon need a new roof to further stabilize it.
New Business:
The stimulus money has meant that more grants are available for historic buildings. Pam handed out a list of potential granting agencies and each of us chose one to find out more about.
Pam will send out a copy of the grant we submitted for 7 to Save so we have that info available.
Hourglass Readers are coming on the 15th at 7 pm to do Cyrano DeBergerac. We will make goodies and coffees for the event. Candy will check on getting the coffee stuff. Maria will clean Jones Hall. Jeff Littleton of Moosewood Ecological, LLC wants information on when the historic buildings were built. We will invite him to meet with us at our next meeting.
The museum needs to be cleaned in preparation for its grand opening for the season at the memorial day parade. Mary will spruce it up and Candy and Pam will vacuum flies and do general cleaning.
Maria volunteered to do the refreshments stand for the Memorial Day Refreshments and Gen will help with the open house. Mary and Al will set up the table for refreshments and bring the cold drinks.
Perkins school wants to do a Marlow Field Trip to look at the old buildings and needs help to defray expenses. We weren’t sure what that meant or how much it was going to be. Maria was going to check.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50.
Our next board meeting is June 4 at 6:30.
Transcribed by Candy Wiggum
Respectfully submitted,Loisanne Foster