Marlow Master Plan Minutes - October 11, 2012
October 11th at the Town Office at 7:00
Here are the rough notes of our last meeting, if you see "R:" in front of a line that means it's a responsibility that was allocated to someone.
Tracy Messier came to speak to the Master Plan team, offering his historical research. Contact information below.
Tracey Messer, APR
75 Robbe Farm Road
Peterborough, NH 03458
Home: 603 924 1675
Cell: 603 562 8538
Joanne Thomas has tried to meet with School Board
Jacqui suggested that they need to be “stood over” and forced essentially, to fill out the questionnaire.
Sean mentioned that the Ag Commission. (1stTuesday of the month) should be contacted (or, already has been?)
Jacquie volunteered to have Jen Ells to do a phone survey of certain members of the community.
Joanne concerned about the PowerPoint, it needed to be planned out.
What is the format of the meetings?
R: Tom to do powerpoint, based on our discussion (rough outline below)
5 min welcome
10 Minute intro for Powerpoint (why are we here)
Ground Rules
We are not the expectation
Data review
Break out session topics 1-4: 15 min
Refreshments (10 min) while we collect and post
Summarizing among the groups: 5 min
Break out session topics 5-8: 15 min
Refreshments (10 min) while we collect and post
Summarizing among the groups: 5 min
Closing remarks:
All marlow will get survey in tax bill
We should include information on how residents can see the results of this:
Should be posted on Town Website
Copy of PPT and notes available at Town Hall
Tom Willey to provide computer / projector to put up summary information
R: Jacqui to source the pads and markers. For 8-10 groups
R: Linda to send Tom Willey all data from both Census things
IMPORTANT: We need to set the expectation: WE ARE NOT THE EXPERTS
We may be more “roaming helpers” than facilitators. Depending on the size of the response, we might have each table, run them selves.
Jacqui knows of some meetings coming up in Manchester (mid November), with many break outsessions of topics pertinent to towns, including Census people.
R: Joanne responsible for Nov. meeting refreshments
R: Tom Willey responsible for Oct. meeting refreshments:
We are guessing that 100 people might attend
Signs are available advertising the meetings, we need to put them up:
R: Need a zoning map? Tom Willey to copies of map from Jacquie to Scan and put together
Next Meeting on Thursday, October 25th
R: Joanne to take care of advertising in Keene Sent and Shopper.