Marlow Master Plan Minutes - August 3, 2012
Present: Tom Willey, Linda McCracken, Shawn Stevens, Joanne Thomas
At the Chapel, 7:00 pm
We reviewed assignments from the last meeting. We updated one another on progress in contacting stakeholder groups in town:
Shawn: Safety Groups, plus Agriculture commission
Joanne: Historical Society
Linda: Women’s Society and Library
Other assigned groups will be contacted shortly. We decided that all contacts should be complete by the end of September. The school might be one that will need to be last. We also decided that the Town Officials need a meeting (Shawn will set this one up), and the Odd Fellows (Tom) and the Selectmen (Joanne).
Tom will contact Audio Accessories and Pat Gallup, the major business representatives in town.
We made a list of prompts to take with us to these meetings, and Linda has made them into a document for us to take with us.
We are going to have land use / zoning maps laminated and duplicated to take with us to these meetings for discussion
Linda needs more time to gather data on Marlow; some is not out yet. We are hoping that Mark will be able to help her on this part of the project.
We decided to have two open forum meetings: October 28 at
the Odd Fellows from 1-3 on a Sunday, and November 8 at the
School 7-9 p.m. We will make flyers and advertise these meetings widely on the
web and in the stores in Gilsum and Lempster (Tom to make poster)
We will have at least one team Joanne and Tom at the transfer station on Sept 15th to solicit ideas from folks. We might be at the Post Office as well.
In early October we will start compiling responses and making the power point to show at the open forum meetings.
Next meeting will be September 13 at the Town Offices at 7 p.m.
At that time we will bring the responses we have to date to begin to compile results, and put them into a computer document right away.
We will need to pick up materials for our meetings – handouts—in August