March 2013 Select Board Minutes
March 4, 2013
Attendees; Ed Thomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen Jacqui Fay
Attendance taken and a quorum was declared.
Sign check manifest in the amount of $98,510.92 2013.
Selectmen reviewed and signed minutes from meeting of 23 February 2013.
Selectmen reviewed prerequisites for approval of the St Pierre project to be
recommended at the Planning Board meeting 3/5/13
Selectmen reviewed the draft copy of the town report and drafted their year end report to
be included in the town report.
Meeting adjourned @ 11:45 pm
Attendance taken and a quorum was declared.
Sign check manifest in the amount of $98,510.92 2013.
Selectmen reviewed and signed minutes from meeting of 23 February 2013.
Selectmen reviewed prerequisites for approval of the St Pierre project to be
recommended at the Planning Board meeting 3/5/13
Selectmen reviewed the draft copy of the town report and drafted their year end report to
be included in the town report.
Meeting adjourned @ 11:45 pm