School Board Minutes of Regular Meeting March 2010
March 11, 2010 / Minutes of Regular Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 10:00 p.m.
Present: Joseph Scharf, Board Chair
Ernie Perry, Board Member
Stephanie Tickner, Board Member
Marcia Levesque, Board Member
Ken Dassau, Board Member
Phyllis Peterson, Principal
Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools
Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns
Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary
Also in Attendance: Nancy Tomasko
Beth Lafreniere
1. Call to Order
Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 10:00 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Dassau to approve the board minutes of February 10, 2010 (R) and February 10, 2010 (PH). Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
3. Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups
4. Bills and Manifests
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the bills and manifests (cks # 5001979-5001980) in the amount of $735.77 and (cks # 5001981-5001999) in the amount of $26,126.48. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
5. Financial Report
Mr. Ruehr shared his financial report showing a balance of $1,153.00 as of March 11, 2010.
6. Reports
a. Principal – Ms. Peterson distributed her principal’s report for the Board to review.
b. Co-Superintendent – Mr. Woolridge informed the Board that two students were absent from Keene High School for five or more days
due to illness. He updated the Board on legislative issues and informed them that he will be meeting with Senator Molly Kelly
c. School Board Members – Mr. Dassau suggested that a meeting notice be posted with the purpose of creating a Future of Marlow Committee, adding
that this should not be discussed during a school board meeting.
d. S.A.U. 29 Committees – None
7. Old Business
a. Approve School Calendar 2010-2011 – A motion was made by Mr. Dassau to Approve the 2010-2011 School Calendar. Mr. Scharf
seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
b. Other - None
8. New Business
a. Action to be Taken After District Meeting – No action taken at this time
b. Nomination – This will be discussed during non-public session
9. Future Agenda/s
April - Reorganization of School Board
April – Employee Benefits Policy # 5016
April – Future of Marlow Committee
10. Non-Public Session – R.S.A. 91-A:3
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf that the Board move into non-public session at 10:09 p.m. under the provisions of R.S.A. 91-A:3 to discuss
staff personnel. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. Accompanying the Board was Mr. Woolridge and Ms. Peterson.
Ms. Tickner made a motion for the Board to return to open session at 10:30 p.m. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion, all in favor 5-0.
11. Adjournment
Mr. Scharf adjourned the Board Meeting at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary