Board Meeting / Marlow Historical Society / Thursday, March 4, 2010 / Chapel
Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Loisanne Foster, and Pam Little were
The Secretary’s Report was read and accepted as read. Mary answered our
question tabled from the February meeting. Our PSNH electrical bill is
entirely for Murray Hall and does not involve the Chapel. The small amount of
electricity used at the Chapel is covered in the rent. February’s report was
accepted. The current Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented as well.
Old Business:
Our April program with be Eric Bye on “American Popular Music of the 19th
Century,” at 7:00, Friday, April 9 at Jones Hall. Mary will make posters.
Loisanne will take care of newspaper publicity. For refreshments, we will
each bring finger food.
Loisanne will arrange with Phyllis Peterson of Perkins School for our spring
historical tour for the children in grades 4 - 6.
New Business:
The tentative date for the 2010 Monadnock Music Concert is July 9th. We will
endeavor to hold our annual fund-raising MMC Dinner. Monadnock Music is
requesting additional fund raising this year. In addition to the $600.00 we
raise, MM is requesting that we find a donor to match the funds which are
collected in the donation jar kept at ticket sales.
Pam will ask if her law firm will match it.
We discussed having a new fence along the pond to replace the disintegrating
one. We believe it should resemble the old one and be sturdy enough to last.
The fence is 225 feet long with fourteen 116 foot sections. Each picket is 1
1/2 inches square. The back posts which hold the fence are placed at every
five or six feet behind it and are 4 x 4 inches. A galvanized pipe comes into
each 4 x 4. The item is so large an expenditure that it cannot come out of
the regular maintenance budget, but requires a warrant article. Mary has
collected estimates from several firms and has talked to the Selectmen about
the project. The Selectmen did not want an warrant article for it and asked
for more estimates. The estimates so far range from $6,900 for white pine and
8,965.00 for Douglas fir from Cheshire Fence to $19,175.00 for white cedar
from Monadnock Fence. Tony Davis has suggested that to save money, we might
use brackets instead of encased pipes for support. We discussed whether to
wait another year and try for a warrant article or raise the funds. Maria
asked if we could do half of it this year and half later. The issue was
We decided not to sell snacks and lunch at the Town Meeting this year. The
concession is much of work for many people and the profits are small. Since
the situation is so unpredictable, there is no way to plan adequately.
Mary reported on the HSCC Round Table that she and Maria had attended. The
Round Table is a sharing of activities and projects by Cheshire County
historical societies. Chesterfield is working to preserve the old arched
bridge (1937) over the Connecticut River. Dave Allen of Chesterfield is
working to preserve old maps. In Nelson the historical society is pouring
over old obituaries and gathering information of past residents. They are
planning to revise the script of the play, “Hotel Nelson.” In Marlboro,
Steven Blunt will be doing a program, “Songs and Stories of the Hutchinson
Family Singers” and in the school, they will be placing six 2 x 4 panels
depicting Marlboro town history. Alstead has been given thousands of slides,
over a hundred of which are of Marlow. They need to sort, categorize, and
catalog these. Jaffrey is using Lexan to make unbreakable storm windows for
its historical society building. Harrisville is creating a data base for
historic buildings in six districts. The Colony Museum is displaying
miniatures and doll houses. Sullivan is attending two seminars, “NHHS
Collection Policy” (Concord) and Disaster Planning (Laconia). Stoddard will
be learning about “Conscientious Objectors Camp,” and Fan Tchunpi, Chinese
artist and picnicking at Shin Bone Shack. Troy will be learning about WW II
submariners and planning Finnish Fun weekend. Fitzwilliam will be exhibiting
dollhouses and miniatures. Swanzey is planning Old Home Days. Winchester is
sponsoring surveying with middle school students. Friends of Pisgah State Park
are sponsoring story circles in their barn.
The Historical Society of Cheshire County’s winter/spring exhibit is “The
Nursery of Liberty: Schools and Education in the Monadnock Region. It’s on
exhibit through July 2 during regular museum hours. It will also take over
“The Way we Were” feature of the Keene Sentinel. Each historical society
should submit two articles and photos to Tom Haynes at the Society to be used
throughout the year.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster