Marlow Historical Society Minutes - February 2009
Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Loisanne
Foster, and Candy Wiggum were present.
Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report which was accepted as read. Mary Blank
gave the Treasurer’s Report which was accepted as read. We have $3863.67 in
our combined accounts.
has sent word that tentatively Rebecca Rule will be our NHHC speaker and
November 12. Dr. Robert Goodby will be our NHHC speaker for the children at
Perkins School at 1:00 pm on April 28. Loisanne will contact the Marlow
Gazette with the pertinent information.
Again we will sponsor The Hour Glass Readers at Jones Hall. The performance of “Cyrano Bergerac” will be Friday, May 15 at 7:00 pm at Jones Hall.
Our regular May program will be a continuation of our Oral History Project: “The Age of Aquarius, Marlow in the 1960’s”. We will have a round robin discussion of Marlow life during that period, recording it for our archives. We brainstormed a list of people whom we know were in Marlow during that era such as members of the Strickland family, Allen and Shirley Plumb, Ron and Lucille Gorges, Vic Reno, Joe Marcotte, the Huntley family, the Elliot family, Jonathan Reinhardt, Tony Davis, and Joe Feurer and others. We also brainstormed questions to stimulate the discussion. Were there hippies? Communes? Where were you when... ? (JFK and MLK assassinations), Did Marlow youth trust anyone over thirty? What was the entertainment? Theater? Old Home Day? How did the folk revival play out in Marlow? What about the Civil Defense drills?
Our current project at Murray Hall is doing the windows. Our next Murray Hall (Grange) project will be wiring. We will get three bids on the wiring. Later we will buy appliances for the kitchen. Looking ahead to heating the hall, we are considering “going green.” We will explore the possibility of solar heating for the building and look into government and private funding.
Membership chair, Maria reported that our sustaining members are renewing and several lifetime members upgraded to sustaining memberships. Others made donations in addition to their membership dues.
We decided not to do the MHS information table at the Town Meeting this year. The meeting may be short and folks may not have a chance to see what is offered.
suggested that we have Loisanne’s MHS photo cards professionally copied to
sell at the Harvest Fest and it was agreed.
We discussed a search for new board members. For health reasons, Mary has
resigned as President while keeping the office of Treasurer. Candy will soon
be leaving the area. Adam will be off to college. We are grateful that Gen
Ells has agreed to fill the previously vacant Board of Directors position,
but that leaves two Board of Directors positions soon to be empty. We need
people to step up to the plate and help fulfill our important mission.
Loisanne agreed to write a blurb for the Marlow Gazette pleading our cause.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster