School Board Minutes - June 21, 2010
June 21, 2010 Minutes of Special Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Joseph Scharf, Board Chair
Stephanie Tickner, Board Member
Marcia Levesque, Board Member
Ken Dassau, Board Member
Phyllis Peterson, Principal
Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools
Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns
Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary
7:00-8:00 Public Forum: Future of Marlow School
Mr. Scharf called the Public Forum to order at 7:10 p.m.
Mr. Scharf began reviewing Options 2-8.
It was asked what it would take to bring our 7th & 8th graders back to Marlow School. Mr.
Woolridge replied that since 2002 and with No Child Left Behind, you would need to have
highly qualified or certified teachers for each core subject. Ms. Levesque added that the school would not be certified to operate if it did not have highly qualified teachers.
In regards to Option #4 – Institute a voucher system – Sue Chase asked “wouldn’t we want to offer this only if we were closing the school?” Mr. Scharf replied that we wouldn’t want to offer this at all. Mr. Ruehr added that if you had a voucher system in place, the state would not reimburse students going from a public school to a private school.
Regarding Option #5 – Become a public or private charter school - Ms. Levesque suggested that even though the funding is currently not available, we could already have it set up and in place as we will be against other schools for the money. Mr. Woolridge explained that your school is located in a denser location where other schools have a bigger population to draw on. Ms. Levesque asked what would happen if a district closed and the students came here. Mr. Ruehr replied that the sending district would get the money from the state; adding that whoever pays the tuition gets the money.
It was asked how many additional students could we accept right now? Mr. Ruehr replied 10 per classroom.
A concern was brought up regarding our high administration and secretary costs, feels it’s a big cost that we need to examine.
It was asked what the difference was between a public and private charter school. Mr. Scharf replied, state funding. Then it was asked if we lose state funding, do we lose the luggage as well? Mr. Scharf replied that we are still obligated to follow the law and provide a service; if we chose not to, we would be exposed to a lawsuit and will lose federal funding.
Mr. Scharf distributed and reviewed the 2010-2011 Marlow School District approved budget.
Jacqui Fay stated that the current tax rate is too high and people cannot afford it and if they go any higher, the town will be unable to pay for services. Lou added that there are town services that may have to be cut and this is only going to get worse if someone doesn’t make a hard decision.
Mr. Ruehr explained that the taxes are not going up due to declining enrollment; the reason that we foresee the taxes going up is because the state has changed their formula. He added that the economy has collapsed and we are trying to combat that because the state is cutting their funding.
Debbie Heffernan stated that we have a teacher vs. student ratio that is low and thinks we can redefine the teaching positions. Ms. Peterson replied that we are doing all we can to make sure we are giving your students a good education.
Maria Baril stated that there are other ways that administration could be cut.
Ms. Levesque suggested that in the next contract we could offer a staff buy-out for insurance. Mr. Ruehr replied that it is offered in other districts.
Jacqui Fay asked if we could hire a speech or OT person rather than hire out for it. Mr. Ruehr replied that we try every year but it is very difficult to find someone. Mr. Dassau added that we are struggling for a limited resource.
It was asked how the SAU has dealt with the state reduction in funding. Mr. Woolridge replied that we’ve written and have worked with our legislatures; adding that we are listening and are really in a tough spot. He also explained that free and reduced lunch participation would help with our revenue as we receive more funding. It was asked what was the percentage of free and reduced lunch in Marlow. Ms. Peterson replied 30%.
It was suggested that the principal be at the school one day per week and receive a stipend for meetings that need to be attended and for the secretary’s hours be lessened.
It was asked what the total cost of the package for the secretary was, including benefits. Mr. Ruehr replied that it is $49,674.00.
Beth LaFreniere stated that the staff is getting a 3% cost of living raise when Social Security isn’t getting an increase and feels it’s a slap in the face. Mr. Scharf replied that we are all in this together and Mr. Scharf explained that we will take it under advisement but the budget is set for this year. Mr. Ruehr stated that the Board has a level strategy and has given their staff a small raise each year regardless of the economy.
Maria Baril stated that if no one wants to close the school, we need to cut expenses.
It was brought up that the secretary’s hours have been cut but her new lunch position has been increased.
Ms. Levesque suggests that we look into the union for our teachers and asked when the teacher’s contract would be up. Mr. Scharf replied in June 2011.
Maria Baril inquired about the committee that was going to be formed. She explained that the committee will explore things that we are looking at individually. She stated that if we don’t want to close the school we need to be creative and feels the board is shooting down every suggestion.
Mr. Scharf stated that a committee will be formed which will include Marcia Levesque as the Board rep, as well as Maria Baril, Ms. Peterson, Dave Vesco, Deb Heffernan, Peter Eisenstadter and Jacqui Fay. Mr. Woolridge asked the committee to e-mail Mary Fish and she will post the meetings.
Ms. Levesque explained that we would be working on another forum with state reps so they can hear our concerns. She added that she has a letter to the state reps for people to sign that explains our funding concerns.
Ms. Peterson will contact the principal of Stoddard regarding their future.
It was asked if after care has been looked into. Mr. Ruehr replied that before and after school care is being offered in Gilsum.
Peter Eisenstadter asked if there was a possibility of combining with another school and making one big school out of two buildings; adding that classes would be bigger. Mr. Scharf replied that we have discussed tuitioning as a way to reduce staff.
Mr. Scharf adjourned the Public Forum at 9:36 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary
June 21, 2010 /Minutes of Regular Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 9:46 p.m.
Present: Joseph Scharf, Board Chair
Stephanie Tickner, Board Member
Marcia Levesque, Board Member
Ken Dassau, Board Member
Phyllis Peterson, Principal
Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools
Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns
Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary
7:00-9:36 Public Forum: Future of Marlow School
1. Call to Order
Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 9:46 p.m.
Report on KMS Students – Mr. Woolridge distributed the Report on Marlow Students at KMS in 2009-2010 to the board for them to review.
LEA Manual Special Education Adoption – Cathy Reeves – A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to adopt the LEA Special Education Manual. Mr. Dassau seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Mr. Dassau to approve the board minutes of May 12, 2010 (R) and May 12, 2010 Public Forum. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
3. Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups
Ms. Levesque voiced her concerns regarding special education aides that are not trained.
4. Bills and Manifests
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the bills and manifests (cks # 5002055-5002056) in the amount of $778.33 and (cks # 5002057-5002088) in the amount of $331,974.22. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
5. Financial Report
Mr. Ruehr shared his financial report showing a balance of $21,178.00 as of June 21, 2010.
Food Service Budget – Mr. Ruehr explained the changes in the Food Service Program and Budget.
6. Reports
a. Principal – Ms. Peterson distributed her principal’s report and updated the Board on this year’s summer school as well as next year’s expected enrollment of 35-36 students.
b. Co-Superintendent – Mr. Woolridge distributed his blog to the Board and informed them that no students were absent from Keene Middle School or Keene High School for five or more days.
c. School Board Members – None
d. S.A.U. 29 Committees – None
7. Old Business
a. Other - None
8. New Business
a. Authorization of Co-Superintendent to Expend the Budget – A motion was made Mr. Scharf to Authorize the Co-Superintendent to Expend the Budget. Ms. Ticker seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
b. Authorization of Co-Superintendent to Hire/Accept Resignations - A motion was made Mr. Scharf to Authorize the Co-Superintendent to Hire/Accept Resignations. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
c. Appointment of School District Attorney, Attendance Officer – A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to Appoint Doug Hatfield as School District Attorney and Ken Avery as School District Attendance Officer. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
d. Assign Board Member/s to Sign July and August Manifests – A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to Assign Ms. Tickner to sign the July and August Manifests with Mr. Dassau as backup. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
e. On-site Review – Mr. Woolridge updated the Board on the On-site Review, stating that it was very positive.
f. Other - None
9. Future Agenda/s
10. Non-Public Session – R.S.A. 91-A:3
11. Adjournment
Mr. Scharf adjourned the Board Meeting at 10:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary