Executive Board Meeting
Marlow Historical Society
Chapel, 6:30 pm
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Present: Mary
Blank, Gen Ells, Pam Little, Johanna Kent, Maria Baril, Loisanne Foster
Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report which was accepted as read. Mary
presented the Treasurer’s Report which was accepted a s read. We currently
have $2,700.36 in our accounts.
Old Business:
Ed White has completed the glazing of windows at Murray Hall (The Grange).
The Board voted to accept Loisanne’s proposal to make Hands-on-History boxes
to keep at the museum for use by Perkins School classes.
New Business:
We hope to have joint sponsorship with the Marlow Library of “Jefferson’s
Dream” by John Perrault on Sept. 16. Pam Little will make the contacts.
MHS will join the Marlow Women’s Society in sponsoring a historical tour of
Marlow in August. Loisanne will be the tour guide. It will be substantially
the same as the one we did for the John D. Perkins School in May of this
We arranged for the first two month’s coverage at the MHS Museum. Loisanne
will take June 20, 9:30 until noon. Johanna will take July 18, 9:30 until
noon. We still need to arrange a docent for August.
We discussed Marlow’s 250 Anniversary which will be 2011. A Celebration
Committee has been formed, led by Marcia Levesque and Donna Chase. They are
hoping to have a different event each month throughout that year to
commemorate the occasion. The meetings are Sunday nights at the end of the
month. Mary suggested that, for our part, we do something lasting such as a
new pond fence and a new MHS tour brochure. For promoting the new fence, we
will need to take our estimates to the Board of Selectmen in January. (See
minutes of the last meeting.)
Loisanne will contact Sue Coleman, the lady who cards, spins, and knits wool
of her own sheep and also demonstrates butter-making, to see if she will be
willing do her program for the Perkins School in the fall and also spin at
the Harvest Fest. She could be at the Art Show.
The oldest standing house in Marlow is owned by Roxy Forbes. It can be found
just east of the old common an Marlow Hill.
The Monadnock Music Dinner will be early this year, July 9. The PC Connection
kitchen and dining facilities are available. The hours will be 5:30 - 7:00
PM. The cost of tickets will be $10.00 per adult and $5.00 per child. We
divided the work among ourselves, tasks such as calling for volunteers and
food donations, and all parts of the set up and break down work. First week:
call sheets, letters to stores for gift cards, thank you forms, posters,
publicity, and food caller lists due. Second week: inventory of paper goods
and purchases of ham, paper goods, etc. Third week: arrange for help (times),
signs on the road, find dining room supervision, pick up gift cards, set out
tables, chairs, and canopies, roll silverware and napkins, pick up rolls
(purchased with gift cards), set up dining room - including flowers on the
tables. We decided that this year, each person with a call list will slao
send the thank you/ reminders. Loisanne will work on set up and in the
kitchen and take care of the dessert buffet. Johanna will serve from 5:15 PM
to clean up to 8:15. Maria will oversee food. Mary will oversee set up. We
will be asking Dave Davis, Tom Fuschetto, John Salo, and other men to work
with the canopies Thursday.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm. The next meeting will be at 6:30 pm,
July 1.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster