School Board Minutes of Regular Meeting June 2009
June 10, 2009 Minutes of Regular Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 7:30 p.m.
Joseph Scharf, Board Chair / Ernie Perry, Board Member / Stephanie Tickner, Board Member / Marcia Levesque, Board Member / Ken Dassau, Board Member / Phyllis Peterson, Principal / Bill Gurney, Co-Superintendent of Schools / Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns / Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary
Also in Attendance:
Kelly Snair / Leah Giles / Eleanor Elbers
1. Call to Order
Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Ms. Tickner to approve the board minutes of May 13, 2009 (R). Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
3. Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups
4. Bills and Manifests
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the bills and manifests (cks # 5001721-5001722) in the amount of $8,070.06 and (cks # 5001723-5001750) in the amount of $268,902.05. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
5. Financial Report
Mr. Ruehr presented his financial report showing a balance of $3,734 as of June 9, 2009. He explained that the biggest change was the special instruction middle school out-of- district placement but that we are right where we have been for several months.
Fraud Policy, 1st Reading - A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to waive the second reading and to adopt the Fraud Policy. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Fixed Asset Policy, 1st Reading - A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to waive the second reading and to adopt the Fixed Asset Policy. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Investment Policy, 1st Reading - A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to waive the second reading and adopt the Investment Policy. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Appoint School District Auditor - Mr. Ruehr explained that we have two years left of a 5-year contract. A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to appoint Plodzik and Sanderson as our School District Auditor. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
6. Reports
a. Principal
Ms. Peterson presented her principal’s report and shared with the Board that all teachers were interested in continuing with Kroka Adventures, especially the team building programs. She also informed the Board that the last day of school is June 24th, with a 12:30 dismissal. Ms. Peterson shared with the Board that nine 6th graders will be graduating on June 23rd at 6:30 p.m.
b. Co-Superintendent
Mr. Gurney shared that the school looks great and it’s a pleasure to be here. He informed the Board that two students at Keene Middle School missed five or more days due to illness. Mr. Gurney updated the Board on legislative issues. He also shared that the Keene High School drop out rate is 9.9% and the state percentage is 9.7%. Mr. Gurney added that new programs have been put in place in the hopes to work on that. He also informed the Board that all towns have agreed on the AREA agreement, which will be good for the next 20 years.
c. School Board Members
Ms. Levesque distributed to the Board, a letter that was sent to realtors and hopes that it will be a positive thing for our school.
d. S.A.U. 29 Committees
Previously discussed
7. Old Business
a. Kroka Information
Ms. Peterson informed the Board that she met with teachers and they are interested in Kroka Adventures but feels that the funding could be an issue. Mr. Ruehr explained that in October we will have a look at our money, see what our tuitions are, and see where we are in the budget. Eleanor Elbers from the Orchard School suggested that the younger students visit the Orchard School for their program.
b. Retreat Date
September 2, 2009 - Ms. Peterson and the Board confirmed September 2nd as the Retreat date.
c. Kindergarten
Ms. Peterson informed the Board that one student has registered for Kindergarten and possibly another two students, but she has not been able to verify that. Discussion ensued regarding classroom configurations, as well as, a full-day kindergarten program. Leah Giles feels we have a lot of good potential and it would be a great opportunity. She explained that we have a very short time with the students when it is only half-day but having a longer day opens up a lot of potential. Ms. Levesque feels that not having full-day kindergarten hurts the town. Kelly Snair states that we want to be sure that we don’t look at it from a daycare point of view. Ms. Peterson shared that there are all kinds of possibilities with a full-day kindergarten. Ms. Tickner stated that she doesn’t want to see the older students not get the support they need if kindergarten becomes full day. Ms. Giles feels that someone else would assume that role. Ms. Levesque explained that we’ve lost kids because we do not offer full-day kindergarten and once we lose them, we don’t get them back. A motion was made by Mr. Scharf that we institute a full-day kindergarten program in Marlow. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A vote of 4-0 in favor was taken. Mr. Perry abstained from the vote.
d. Other
8. New Business
a. Authorization of Co-Superintendent to Expend the Budget
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to authorize the Co-Superintendent to Expend the Budget. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
b. Authorization of Co-Superintendent to Hire/Accept Resignations
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to authorize the Co-Superintendent to Hire/Accept Resignations. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
c. Appointment of School District Attorney
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to appoint Doug Hatfield as School District Attorney. Mr. Dassau seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
d. Appointment of School District Attendance Officer
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to appoint Ken Avery as School District Attendance Officer. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
e. Assign Board Member/s to Sign July and August Manifests
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to assign Ms. Tickner and Mr. Dassau to Sign the July and August Manifests. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
f. Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies Policy EBCF, 1st Reading
A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to waive the second reading and adopt the Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies Policy EBCF. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
g. Other
9. Future Agenda/s
10. Non-Public Session – R.S.A. 91-A:3
11. Adjournment
Mr. Sharf adjourned the Board Meeting at 8:38 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary