Executive Board
Meeting / Marlow Historical Society / Thursday, July 10, 2008 / 6:30 PM / The
The meeting opened at 6:36 PM. Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Loisanne Foster, Pam
Little, and Candy Wiggum were present. Loisanne read Secretary's report which
was accepted as read. Mary reviewed the Treasurer's Report handout which was
accepted as read. We have, all told, $2122.75 in our accounts with the 1876
Album Quilt Conservation and painting the Hearse House now paid.
Elm trees in their pots and planted elm trees are still
doing well.
Hearse House: Tom Fuschetto has trimmed back the brush around the
house and shored up the back wall and support, replacing the displaced rocks
in the foundation. Art Schmid donated the paint. Edward White has
completed the painting, and the replacement sign which Candy Wiggum prepared
is now in place. Since the entire back wall had to be primed, the
painting bill was $350.00, $50.00 higher than the estimate.
Ed White and Tom Fuschetto noted that the floor boards are
beginning to rot and the ramp also. They suggested that the building be
raised even with the road.
1876 Album Quilt:
Loisanne will call Kathy Harvey to learn whether or not it would be a good
idea to put moth crystals with the album quilt to deter mice and so on. In
the meantime, we have put the quilt in a securely closed chest. It will go on
display for special occasions.
Jones Hall: Mark Lanier says that Tom Healy will paint Jones Hall
soon. It will be good to see our work toward the Warrant Article for this
come to fruition. There are boards along the underside of the roof that
should be replaced. Al Blank has taken a picture of them.
Burnap House:
Our latest proposal, discussed at the last meeting, has been written by Pam
Little, read by all members of the Board, and sent out. In it, we ask that we
be given the house in its present location and assure Audio Accessories that
we will guarantee them right of first refusal, should we ever wish to give it
up. We also asked what other assurances would persuade them. We mention
that we have an excellent record of conservation of public buildings, giving
Jones Hall and Murray Hall as examples.
Monadnock Music Dinner: Donation and volunteer request
call sheets were handed out and should be returned to Maria Baril, who is in
charge of the food, by July 25. Mary has taken care of the formal
arrangements and the set up volunteer corps. Maria will speak at Jones Hall
before the concert about Lydia Stevens' contribution over the years to Jones
Hall Restoration and Monadnock Music. Candy will supervise the dining room.
World War II Oral History: Loisanne explained that Charles
Strickland has agreed to be interviewed about his experiences in the Navy
aboard a submarine in the Pacific and that Joanne Thomas has volunteered to
be the interviewer and transcribe the interview to written form. She asked
that the Board buy tapes for the interview. Candy Wiggum suggested that MHS
buy a digital recorder for this and future projects. All agreed. The
advantages of a digital recorder are long recording times and easy transfer
of the material to CD. Also, the tape technology may soon be obsolete. The
expense will be under a hundred dollars, and no tape purchases will be
Bob Nichols Volunteers for More Research: Loisanne reported that our Forum
correspondent from Keene, Bob Nichols, has volunteered to research the
genealogy of Marlow's Original Proprietors. Since most of these were wealthy
entrepreneurs from Lyme, CT, the results should be interesting. Of course, it
still won't answer the question of what they were after.
Cemetery Tour: Loisanne will choose several gravestones from the West
Yard Cemetery to research and highlight for our August tour.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster