School Board Minutes - January 11, 2012
January 11, 2012 Minutes of Regular Meeting
Marlow School Board
John D. Perkins School, 7:00 p.m.
Marlow School Board
John D. Perkins School, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Stephanie Tickner, Board Chair
Marcia Levesque, Board Member
Karin Asseng, Board Member
Jane Leech, Board Member
Colline Dreyfuss, Board Member
Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools
Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns (left @ 9:27 p.m.)
Phyllis Peterson, Principal
Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary
Also in Attendance: Alan Chmiel
Alexandra Bond
Ann LaClair
Joanne Kelly
Thomas Fuschetto
Bob Allen
Holly Dudak
Donna Chase
Sandy Salo
Mike Elliott
Dawn Elliott
7:00 p.m. Non-Public Session – R.S.A. 91-A:3 – Student Personnel
A motion was made by Ms. Levesque that the Board move into non-public session at 7:00 p.m. under the provisions of R.S.A. 91-A:3 to discuss student personnel.
1. Call to Order
Ms. Tickner called the School Board meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.
Status of Students at Keene High School – Alexandra Bond, KHS Assistant Principal, reviewed the “Report to the Marlow School Board on Student Attendance and Performance of Marlow Students at Keene High School in 2010-2011” and explained that this report is based on 26 Marlow students. Ms. Bond shared with the Board that Marlow’s overall attendance rate is 94.63%, compared to Keene High School’s rate of 94.81%.
Alexandra Bond also shared the following GPA Comparison’s:
KHS 9th Grade GPA = 2.92
Marlow 9th Grade GPA = 2.98
KHS 10th Grade GPA = 2.78
Marlow 10th Grade GPA = 2.55
KHS 11th Grade GPA = 2.74
Marlow 11th Grade GPA = 2.51
KHS 12th Grade GPA = 2.87
Marlow 12th Grade GPA = 3.01
2. Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Ms. Dreyfuss to approve the Board Minutes of December 14, 2011 (R). Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
3. Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups
Ann LaClair, grandmother of the Cannon children, spoke to the Board about the tragic and unexpected death of her son and father of the Cannon children. She explained that her hope is for the kids to be able to finish out the school year in Marlow and in Keene at the high school. Ms. LaClair informed the Board that his house payment is being made, as well as the taxes. Her request is for the children to stay in this district for as long as they can. Sandy Salo feels that this is what everyone in Marlow would like. Holly Dudak explained that it is important that the kid’s lives stay as normal as possible and to be able to keep them in a secure place after what they’ve gone through. Mr. Woolridge explained that a tuition waiver request must be discussed in non-public session and the board would have to consider the length of the tuition waiver request. He also stated that we can only make a decision for Marlow and that the Keene Board would have to be approached regarding the student attending Keene High School. Mr. Woolridge explained that the Board will discuss this matter tonight and that he will get back to the family. Mr. Ruehr shared that we don’t have the authority to tell Keene that they have to take these students and that we would have to approach the Keene Board. He added that we have the authority to raise money here to help out but the Keene Board is the board that could admit them into Keene Middle or Keene High School.
Bob Allen explained to the Board that the Marlow Selectmen are interested in joining the SAU #29 insurance (LGC – Local Government Center). Mr. Ruehr replied that SAU #29 allows member towns to join our school’s insurance pool in order to save money but they have to meet the following criteria:
1. Have to get an updated quote from insurance
2. Shows that it does not impact our rates negatively
3. Local school board has to vote to allow them to join
Mr. Ruehr explained that the Board would discuss this further during the New Business portion of the meeting.
4. Bills and Manifests
A motion was made by Ms. Tickner to approve the bills and manifests (cks # 5002589-5002591) in the amount of $2,613.13 and (cks # 5002592-5002610) in the amount of $38,309.20. Ms. Dreyfuss seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
5. Financial Report
Mr. Ruehr distributed the Financial Report showing a negative balance of -$36,024.00 as of January 11, 2012. He explained that this financial report is very similar to last month’s report. A motion was made by Ms. Dreyfuss to approve the Financial Report. Ms. Asseng seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Approve 2012-2013 Budget – Mr. Ruehr reviewed the 2012-2013 Budget showing a total budget of $1,834,717.00, which represents a 10.88% increase from last year.
The following are suggested changes to the budget by Ms. Peterson and the Board:
#42-500561 Tuition – KMS Reg. Ed Decrease -$12,677
#43-500561 Tuition – KMS Special Ed Increase +$31,779
#16-50032 2 Staff Development Decrease -$1,000
#29-500115 Clerical Salary - 15 days Decrease -$1,367
#31-500435 Building Projects Decrease -$4,200
#31-500562 Building Materials Increase +$200
#10-500112 Nurse’s Salary -5% Decrease -$3,400
#19-500610 School Board Retreat Decrease will be reduced to last year’s costs
#31-500430 Ball field Mowing Decrease $2,300
#32-500519 Transportation - 1% Decrease $6,550
#36-500519 Feeder Bus Decrease $22,000
Private Pay Tuition, 1st Reading – A motion was made by Ms. Dreyfuss to approve the Non-Resident Pupils: Sending District or Agency Placement Policy #2045 and the Non-Resident Pupils: Private Tuition Agreement Policy #2046. Ms. Asseng seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Sand Pond Bus Route – First Student Update – Mr. Ruehr explained to the Board that according to First Student, if we establish a turnaround on Sand Pond Road, then bus transportation for students on that road would be provided. He also added that we would need to get permission from the landowner to do this and if we can get that established, we can change that route.
6. Report
a. Principal – Ms. Peterson reviewed her report and shared with the Board that PSNH came to the school to talk to the kids.
b. Co-Superintendent – Mr. Woolridge updated the Board on legislative issues. He also shared that 2 students missed five or more days at Keene High School.
c. School Board Members – Ms. Dreyfuss informed the Board about 2 websites for them to look at: and - a grass roots local government movement website.
Ms. Levesque feels that as a board, we need to start working with the selectmen and talk to people in town about how we are going to offset the decrease of state funding and look at ways to offset it. She suggests that we bring in someone to help us save our town.
Ms. Dreyfuss would like the Board to support the initiative to fully fund IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and join other coalitions and to look into getting it put into non-discretionary spending. A motion was made by Ms. Levesque to support fully funding the IDEA. Ms. Leech seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Ms. Levesque shared with the Board that she was approached by Ken Avery who would like a sign put up that states that no vehicles are allowed on the ball field. This will be placed on next month’s agenda under New Business.
Ms. Levesque also suggested putting lights out front as it is very dark. Ms. Peterson replied that there is a light with an electrical problem and this may be part of the problem. She explained that she would look into it.
Ms. Tickner shared that she and Ms. Leech attended the budget hearing.
d. S.A.U. 29 Committees – None
e. Options Committee – None
7. Old Business
a. Other – None
8. New Business
a. 2012-2013 School Calendar – The calendar was reviewed. Ms. Peterson will get a recommendation for dates for the 2 additional workshop days and bring it back next month.
b. Other – A motion was made by Ms. Dreyfuss to allow the Town Selectmen to join the SAU #29 insurance pool, provided they meet the 3 criteria. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.
Tuition Waiver Request - A motion was made by Ms. Dreyfuss to approve the tuition waiver request from Ann LaClair through the end of the school year. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. Mr. Woolridge will take this matter up with the Keene Board but will need a letter from Mrs. LaClair.
9. Future Agenda/s
Disaster Recovery Policy
Reserve Funds
Ball field Sign
Outside Light
10. Non-Public Session – R.S.A. 91-A:3
11. Adjournment
Ms. Tickner adjourned the Board Meeting at 10:21 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jill Wdowiak
Recording Secretary
APPROVED: 2/8/12