Executive Board Meeting / Marlow Historical Society /
January 7, 2010, Chapel
Present were Pam Little, Mart Blank, Johanna Kent, and Loisanne Foster. Loisanne
read the Secretary's report which was read and accepted with minor
corrections. Mary Blank gave the Treasurer's Report. We are now fully in
Citizens Bank. Our total assets is $3,218.46. Re-glazing Murray Hall windows
will cost a total of around $1,900.00. So far, we have paid Ed White
$1,750.00 for this work.
We reviewed our schedule for the year. For February 12 we are planning a
Coffee House with live music and beat poetry of the Coffee House era:
Gingsberg, Keroac, and Ferlenghetti. It will be a good mid-winter
get-together. We will have coffee and refreshments.
In April, we and NHHC will sponsor a program by the lively Eric Bye on 19th
Century Popular American Music. We enjoyed one of his interesting,
interactive programs earlier.
In the spring May, we will provide a tour and program for Perkins School
children which will include grades four through six. Next year we will do it
again for just grade four. We will probably include the Hearse House, Town
Offices (School #4), and Jones Hall as well as the Museum. We plan to procure
old costumes and allow the children to have their photographs taken in them
as a memento.
We reviewed the letter to be submitted for the Town Report. Johanna suggested
that, since it is long, it could have headings to break it up. Loisanne will
work on this.
Johanna Kent has accepted our nomination and appointment to the Executive
Board as Director for a three-year term. Her position on the Board was
unanimously and enthusiastically accepted.
Terra Sad, our State Representative, found and has sent us a Marlow tax book
for the year 1877. We are most grateful to receive this historical document.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster