January 2009 Select Board Minutes
Select Board Minutes January 5, 2009
Present: Daniel Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye
Ø Check Manifest signed in the amount of $59,112.72.
Ø Dave Vesco and Liz Davis appeared to question what was going to be done, Selectmen have contacted attorney and will send a letter to the Liz is concerned as there was a large truck that came full and left empty. Warren Murdough is the land owner's name. Selectmen will put in the letter that any further of accumulation of junk should cease. Selectmen are unable to enter the land without an administrative warrant; neighbors will allow the selectmen to take pictures from the property line. Selectmen are still waiting for a written response from the Town's attorney. Mr. Vesco inquired as to who was the Town's attorney, he was informed that it was Beth Fernald.
Ø Dave and other citizens want to know how to get a copy of the minutes on the website again. Selectmen stated that it was Dave Stewart who ran the website and due to difficulty of getting the minutes on a consistent basis he ceased having the minutes on his website. Dave also asked about the minutes at the post office. Selectmen stated that the minutes were typed and saved on a thumb drive and printed by office staff, once approved the following Monday they were then posted by the office staff at the post office. Dave volunteered to personally take a hard copy of the minutes to Dave Stewart.
Ø Carol Rosario called into the meeting to inquire as to the status of her abatement; Selectmen have requested the figures from the tax collector and will fill out the abatement.
Ø Mason and Rich were contacted as to the discrepancies in the bill; person in charge was not available and will call Bob Allen back.
Ø Selectmen are waiting to hear from the advisory budget committee as to the fee structure for the ambulance service and any adjustments for participating towns.
Ø NHLGC 2008 annual report reviewed and filed.
Ø Email from Plan NH forwarded to planning board.
Ø Notice from Industrial Comm. Of a balloon test in Hancock on 1/12/00, filed.
Ø Legislative bulletin reviewed and filed.
Ø Gail Allen resigned as Welfare Officer, approved and accepted.
Ø NRRA SWAT team to come tomorrow at 11 am to review transfer station and come up with recommendations.
Ø Mileage approved for Jacqui to attend RCC
Ø Training session for NH Labor Laws on January 22, 2008.
Ø Jacqui appointed as Deputy EMD.
Ø Awaiting written response from Town Attorney.
Ø Greenworks notice did notice not appear to be of relevance to the town.
Ø MBIA notice reviewed and file
Ø 12/22/08 minutes signed.
in price. Due to the late time in the year, the board may have little choice but to go with this new company as are previous auditors did not wish to continue their services to the town.
Ø All other items not included in the minutes were held till next week.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm
Select Board Minutes January 12, 2009
Present: Daniel Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye
Ø Check Manifest signed in the amount of $3,726.32 and a manifest to end last years accounts in the amount of $32,093.51.
Ø Dave Vesco has spoken with Dave Stewart and he is willing to post the minutes on the website again, he is requesting that the Board submit them to him via the internet on a word document so that they can be transferred onto the website. Selectmen will have the office staff email the minutes to Dave Stewart on a weekly basis. The minutes are now taken on a weekly basis during the meeting, and saved at the end of the meeting on a thumb drive.
Ø Abatement signed for Map 405 Lot 002 in the amount of $178.89. This lot is under a PILOT Program and was wrongly sent a tax bill. A second abatement was signed to correct the second issue of the tax bill and deduct the amount off the bill.
Ø Mr. Murdough came to explain his lot two vehicles that are on the lot are for putting the house up (they are registered and inspected). Right now there is one vehicle on the lot that is not registered and inspected. The other vehicles are registered and inspected. Mark went up and looked at the property and did not see any car parts. Mr. Murdough stated that the car parts are under cover. Mark spoke with the Fire Marshall who stated that there are no violations. DES was notified as to burning that has taken place on the property, DES will be called if any other burning occurs. The previous burning took place in Windsor. Trailer will be registered as a site trailer. Ms. Davis asked Mr. Kinson if he was wrong when he stated the trailer wouldn’t meet state codes, it was stated that it was our assumption that it wouldn’t meet state code. Mark is in the process of working on the building permit with the Murdoughs. There was concern about the wetlands behind the property and spotted salamanders and endangered birds. The Murdoughs stated that three vehicles left this week and two more are leaving next week, it is not his intention to have a junk yard. Mr Lanier and Mr. Kinson will inspect the property tomorrow between 12:30-1pm. The property has been inspected by an outside agency and found to have an existing septic that should not have any more than two bedrooms in the home, this was done by the Murdoughs.
Ø Dave Vesco was given copies of the minutes for 12/29 and 1/5.
Ø Larry Leach was interested in an update for the cell tower. Selectmen stated that there were a few issues. The old contract, variance, and building permit had expired. Previous to the expiration Selectmen had contacted US Cellular to discuss the proposed extension. Nothing was heard back from US Cellular until this fall when they wanted to build. New zoning stated that cell towers were by “special exception”, this was passed last year after the original contract had expired. US Cellular wanted to build this fall and may still be interested for the spring. Selectmen have been advised that legally US Cellular should go through the special exception process.
Ø IRS mileage rate has dropped to .55 per mile.
Ø Mr. Allen has contacted Diluzio and the selectmen’s concerns for the ambulance calls. Selectmen were concerned about the open ended charge for ambulance service as well as the Town being responsible to pay when insurance or private citizens are unable/unwilling to pay for services provided by Diluzio when their ambulance is called to Town, mutual aid calls are exempt from this charge.
Ø PDIP signed for the month of December.
Ø Bob Allen spoke with Mason and Rich to discuss fee discrepancy. The difference was for a full blown audit, accounts and procedures; most towns don’t go that route as it is not clear cut. The only time we would need to do that level of audit would be if we received a FEMA grant in excess of $500,000. Auditor did not feel that the audit would be a prerequisite for the grant, but something that FEMA would want to see to track money that has been given. Selectmen would like to go with the lesser option that most towns use; this will result in the saving of approximately $5,000.
Ø Bank reconciliation signed; there was a .03 bank error that will be corrected next month.
Ø Choice point, there is some discussion as to whether or not Joe Feuer should continue to handle the drug testing for Town employees, Selectmen felt that as Joe is no longer a selectmen and as such would have no responsibility in a personnel action that the notification and handling of Choice point should fall the Board of Selectmen.
Ø Selectmen will be the default welfare officer until a new one is appointed.
Ø Letter from Census bureau to be completed by building inspector.
Ø Mutual aid course filed.
Ø Disaster area has been declared, the town is following up on all paperwork and meetings to make sure that the Town is reimbursed for expenses.
Ø Jacqui is approved mileage on January 14th and 15th.
Ø Dental Plan signed by the board.
Ø Jones Hall has been reserved on February 7 from 2-3:30pm for the Hour Glass Readers.
Ø All items not addressed this week will be addressed next week.
Ø Meeting entered private session to discuss a welfare application at 9:21pm.
Ø Meeting reentered public session at 11:03pm.
Meeting adjourned 11:04pm.
Select Board Minutes January 20, 2009
Present: Daniel Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye
Ø Check Manifest signed in the amount of $4,365.34.
Ø John Asseng brought by two warrant articles for submission on the town’s warrant.
Ø NHMA holding its annual meeting, no one to attend.
Ø Full Circle reviewed.
Ø Highway Safety Agency ref financial assistance forwarded to Police and Fire.
Ø Letter from Paul Hodes reviewed and filed.
Ø LGC was overpaid on the last bill for yearly dues a refund will be coming.
Ø Meeting on conducting public meetings sponsored by SWRPC and the city of Keene to take place on February 17, 2009 at 6:30-8:30pm, Mark may attend.
Ø Minutes from January 12, 2009 approved.
Ø Legislative Bulletin reviewed and filed.
Ø Selectmen decided to go with the reduced scope of work for the audit that other towns typically use; this will result in approximately $5,000 in savings.
Ø News release from executive counsel reviewed and filed.
Ø No one to attend the code officials training due to expense.
Ø Selectmen signed form to apply for internet access to the registry of deeds.
Ø NHRS HB 223 update reviewed and filed.
Ø Selectmen decided to mail the town report as when it was to be picked up one year many residents complained.
Ø Selectmen will review the letter from NRRA once the prices from Claremont are available.
Ø Abatement signed in the amount of $192.06 for an assessing error on Map 412 lot 047.
Ø Still waiting for update from Diluzio.
Ø Current use application for Map 411 lot 12 reviewed and approved.
Ø Jacqui to contact Mason and Rich
Ø No one to attend NRRA conference.
Ø Rock Blasting and Groundwater protection guide forwarded to Health Officer as indicated on form for public comment.
Ø RCC meeting on 1/29/09 from 1-5pm, selectmen looking at their schedules and will review next week.
Ø SWRPC newsletter reviewed.
Ø DES letter to Map 203 lot 107, reviewed and filed.
Ø Bill from M+W soils engineer for $1396.10
Ø PA-29 received for a wood heating energy credit for map 407 lot 040 to be added to the pick up work for the spring.
Ø Intent to cut signed for Map 203 lot 012.
Ø Ecolink reviewed.
Ø Gravel tax levy signed in the amount of $345.04
Ø Selectmen gave a sketch of the land where the transfer station sits that will either be purchased or leased at the end of 2009. Jacqui will draft a letter to be sent to DOT with the sketch.
Ø Selectmen began discussing warrant articles for Town meeting.
Meeting adjourned 9:40pm.
Select Board Minutes January 26, 2009
Present: Daniel Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye
Ø Check Manifest signed in the amount of $57,653.09.
Ø John Salo showed the select board a petitioned warrant article. The article is to see if the town will vote to create an agricultural commission.
**Note last day for submission of petitioned warrant articles is 2/3/09**
Ø January 20th minutes signed.
Ø Girl Scout troop was given permission to sell cookies at the Transfer Station.
Ø Selectmen were made aware that there was a warrant article that was being petitioned for the Community Kitchen in the amount of $2,500. Selectmen were planning on including this in the warrant, the matter was discussed no decision was made but one option would be to take the selectmen’s article off the warrant, or ask the town’s people to vote for only one of the articles rather than appropriating $5,000 to the community kitchen.
Ø Cell Tower Update: Doug Wilk, Ken Kazara and Larry Leach. They have been given a copy of the zoning. They have no problem going through the zoning board. The other hurdle is that the Town’s attorney has advised that a dead agreement can’t be revised with a new agreement. The amendment would bring the agreement current through June of 2009. At this point the offer is on the table at $2,000 per year to bring the contract current. This would be paid from the date that the contract would have expired. The original agreement stated that there could be 3 antennas located on the tour, application fee waived, no agreed upon location because of frequency and structural reasons. Selectmen discussed collocation; it is not an option that carriers offer. A bond for the demolition of the tower was also discussed. Some towns require it some towns don’t. US Cellular has a copy of a bond that they typically use, a copy will be sent for the Town’s attorney to review. Fall zone was discussed; US Cellular carries insurance on the Tower as well as the facility. Taxable value would be set by the Town’s assessing company. Selectmen will send a copy of the agreement, the copy of the bond and the update to the agreement to see what the Town Attorney’s view is. Emissions from the tower are usually around 1-1.5% of the allowable emissions guidelines from the FCC.
Ø Liz Thayer is interested in filling the vacancy in Overseer of Welfare. She decided to take the position, given no other interest in the open position she was appointed to the position.
Ø Lucille Emerick was here last on the 27th of last month on her farm land that did not have the SPI on her property. She understands that the selectmen have administrative authority to go back to 2005. Selectmen declined to go back further than one year as they have not done so in the past for other residents.
Ø PO signed for miscellaneous parts on the amount $844.91.
Ø Car Control forwarded to the Fire Department.
Ø Legislative Bulleting reviewed and filed.
Ø Letter from Gladys Foote re: transfer of a cemetery plot and her desire to secure a copy of documentation that the transfer has occurred, a copy of the letter will be forwarded to the Cemetery Trustees.
Ø DES is warning that air quality over the next couple of days will not be good, sensitive people should take precautions.
Ø Letter from DRA re: contract from Commerford, Neider and Perkins, they recommend changing some of the language in the contract.
Ø Voluntary Health Officer Credentialing forwarded to the Health Officer.
Ø No update on Diluzio
Ø Selectmen voted to approve contracts with Mason and Rich, contracts signed.
Ø Tom Foote was given information on property tax exemptions.
Ø Letter was sent to DOT re: land purchase it will take about one year to complete, Town will need to pay for a survey, the cost will be about 5-10 thousand for the survey. The state would expect that a warrant would be passed authorizing the board of selectmen to open negotiations with the state.
Ø ECS Marin will be conducting monitoring of water quality from the old dump, this will cost $13,100 will be placed on the warrant.
Ø Jack Kenworthy was authorized access to the GIS and CAD maps from cartographics.
Ø Warrant articles were finalized for submission to DRA for review.
Ø Jacqui will not be able to fill the position of Deputy EMD.
Meeting adjourned10:40pm