School Board Minutes of Regular Meeting January 2009
January 14, 2009 / Minutes of Regular Meeting Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School / 7:30 p.m. Present: Joseph Scharf, Board Chair Nancy Tomasko, Board Member Marcia Levesque, Board Member Ken Dassau, Board Member Phyllis Peterson, Principal Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary 1. Call to Order Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the board minutes of December 10, 2008 (R). Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. 3. Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups Ms. Levesque informed the Board that she had been contacted by a parent in the community who is concerned about incidents that are happening on the Marlow bus with high school students. Mr. Woolridge suggested that the parent give him a call and he will follow up with high school staff in regards to this matter. 4. Bills and Manifests A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the bills and manifests (ck # 5001588) in the amount of$178.12 and (cks # 5001589-5001610) in the amount of $30,820.45. Ms. Tomasko seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. 5. Financial Report Mr. Woolridge presented the financial report in Mr. Ruehr's absence, showing a negative balance of -$3,726 as of January 14, 2009. He stated that this financial report is close to being unchanged. 2009-2010 Budget Mr. Woolridge presented the Marlow 2009-2010 School Administration Budget Overview to the Board, which shows an increase of 3.63%. Ms. Peterson asked the Board if there are only four special education students, is a full time staff member needed? She added that she has been in contact with Nelson in regards to sharing the position. Ms. Peterson also explained that it is hard to get a handle on exactly how many students will be enrolled in kindergarten next year. Mr. Woolridge replied that we have until the contract deadline of early April to change staffing. Ms. Peterson also shared that a lot of preventative work is being done with students. Ms. Tomasko added that she feels that students are also being challenged. The Board made a few changes to the budget. Mr. Woolridge will make those changes. A motion was made by Ms. Tomasko to approve Marlow's 2009-2010 budget of $1,499,038.00, which represents an increase of 1.56%. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. 6. Reports a. Principal Ms. Peterson presented her principal's report. She updated the Board on the ice storm and that the school was used as a shelter for one couple and family. She added that the town residents did a wonderful job. Ms. Peterson also shared that Nelson School donated a floor polisher to Marlow School. b. Co-Superintendent Mr. Woolridge informed the Board that one student was absent from Keene Middle School for five or more days due to a vacation. Mr. Woolridge explained to the Board that they have the option to ask the commissioner to waive any snow days over five that were due to the emergency ice days. He shared possible options if school days need to be made up, such as attending school on Saturday's or go to school during vacation time or teacher workshop days. Ms. Tomasko asked Mr. Woolridge if the commissioner would allow us to extend the school day. Mr. Woolridge explained that we would need the commissioner’s approval in advance. Mr. Woolridge also added that busing could be a potential problem. He also updated the Board on legislative issues and distributed minutes from an Informational Meeting of SAU 29 Administrators and the New Hampshire Area State Senators and Representatives. c. School Board Members Mr. Scharf updated the Board on the conversation he had with Becky Sharp asking if the Board would consider having the school become a Red Cross center. He explained that she would be determining what kind of a shelter the school would qualify to be. d. S.A.U. 29 Committees None 7. Old Business a. Home Education Participation in District Activities #2036 1st Reading -Mr. Woolridge will make some changes and bring it back next month for a 2nd reading. b. Other Ms. Levesque reported that she has been working with Ms. Peterson on the Open House for Realtors as well as the brochure/DVD. She explained that they would like to invite realtors to come to the school in April and give them a DVD that they would then give to potential homebuyers to show them what our school is like. 8. New Business a. 2009-2010 School Calendar The Board will vote on this next month. b. Other None 9. Future Agenda/s February · Professional Development Master Plan · February -2009-2010 School Calendar · February -Home Education Participation in District Activities #2036, 2nd Reading 10. Non-Public Session -R.S.A. 91-A:3 None 11. Adjournment Mr. Sharf adjourned the Board Meeting at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted,