February 10, 2010 / Minutes of Special Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 7:30 p.m.


Joseph Scharf, Board Chair

Ernie Perry, Board Member

Stephanie Tickner, Board Member

Marcia Levesque, Board Member

Ken Dassau, Board Member

Phyllis Peterson, Principal

Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools

Timothy Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns

Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary




Mr. Scharf called the public hearing to order at 7:39 p.m.

Mr. Scharf explained that we are looking at next years budget as we head into a crisis in Marlow with declining enrollment and a $311,000 cut in state adequacy the year after next.  He stated that we will be working on coping with the financial loss and have pared down this budget but we are still looking at the numbers.  Mr. Scharf shared that we still need time to look at the alternatives in order to deal with this big loss of income.

The following questions/comments were made by the Marlow community.  Names will not be referenced, as they were not given when the members of the community were speaking.

It was asked how come the people who manipulate these numbers and make these decisions are not here bringing this message to the taxpayers of Marlow.  Mr. Ruehr replied that it is the representatives who control this and that we are the ones having to bring the message to the taxpayers.  He recommended that you contact your local representatives in order to deal with this problem.  It was shared that a list of local representatives can be found on the back of the town report.

The question was asked regarding what options we are looking at if we don’t receive the funding.  Mr. Woolridge replied that we would be working on this after this budget cycle.

In reference to the replacing of the water heater, it was thought that it was recently replaced.  Mr. Ruehr and Mr. Scharf replied that it was the boiler that was replaced not the water heater.

Mr. Ruehr reviewed and explained the 2010-2011 Proposed Budget for Marlow School District, which shows a total budget of  $1,566,792 and represents an increase of 5.48%.

It was asked how the tuition rates at Keene Middle School and Keene High School are calculated.  Mr. Ruehr replied that these costs are set by the Keene School District in accordance with the AREA agreement which is in essence a per pupil cost calculation.  It was also asked about our elementary tuition rates and how we compare to other towns.  Mr. Ruehr replied that our tuition rate is higher here because of our declining enrollment and town tuition rates range from $12,000-$21,000.

The question was asked if it would lower costs if Marlow students went to Keene Middle School as 6th graders.  Mr. Ruehr replied that it would increase our costs here, unless we eliminated a teacher; adding that there would be no gain and it would lower our numbers here even more.

It was asked how do the salaries of the teachers and aids in Marlow compare to other schools in the SAU.  Mr. Ruehr replied that the Board has always looked at this and we’ve made progress on the hiring rate.  He explained that we had to change this in order to be competitive on the scale; adding that we are probably in the middle to low end of the salary range.

A member of the community wanted to know how many students and staff we have this year.  Ms. Peterson replied that we have 38 students this year and expect 36 students next year.   We have 4 teachers, 1 special education teacher and 2 aids.  The question was asked how do we compare to the rest of the district with a student to teacher ratio because it seems like there are a lot of teachers and aids for the number of students. Ms. Peterson replied that we are in line with the other small schools in the SAU and with the larger schools, we have a lower ratio.   She also explained that our aids are used to support the special education students and that Marlow is working hard to get our special education numbers down.  It was also asked if we are looking at cutting staff for next year.  Mr. Ruehr replied that according to the budget presented, the staffing levels are the same.

The increase in Speech services was questioned.  Mr. Ruehr explained that the Speech and OT services have already been negotiated and signed for this year but we would prefer to share this position with Keene or town schools but there is a shortage of these positions.  He added that we need these services and they are expensive.  It was asked what an OT does.  Mr. Dassau replied that it is an IEP driven service that works with motor skills.  He explained that there is no discretion to provide, it must be provided if it is IEP driven; just as the aids, they are IEP driven as well.

It was asked why the salaries are going up.  Mr. Ruehr replied that we have contractual obligations that we have to provide by law requirements.  He added that you could cut staff that is not contractually obligated.

The comment was made that the staff vs. student ratio is like private tutoring but the test scores haven’t shown that.  Mr. Woolridge shared that our test scores have risen 30% in English and reading and math test scores rose 42%, the biggest jump in SAU 29, adding that they are moving in the right direction and the staff is working really hard.  Mr. Scharf explained that our biggest problem is declining enrollment and combined grades.  He explained that it would be very difficult to combine three grades or ages in the same room and cover all that content to make AYP.  Mr. Scharf recommended that you go after and work with our legislatures; that we did our best for a responsible budget and we can’t go back and re-open contracts.  It was asked how long is our contract?  Mr. Scharf replied that we could negotiate next year.   It was asked what was the range of experience of our teachers.  Ms. Peterson replied that they range from 2-11 years of experience.

It was stated that the Town of Surry has a charter school and their tuition rate has dropped, has Marlow thought of something different regarding a charter school.   Mr. Ruehr explained that the state funds charter schools, they do not raise taxes and their tuition rate does not include special education costs.  Mr. Ruehr also shared that charter schools do a lot of fundraising and creative things.  Mr. Scharf explained that there are many variables and nothing is off the table.

It was asked why couldn’t we combine with other schools.  Mr. Scharf explained that over the next year, we would be looking at a number of things.

It was asked when you look at something for the future, will there be a committee or will it be the school board only?  Mr. Scharf replied that the Board have discussed forming a committee but have not discussed it further.  Mr. Ruehr stated that we need to budget for the amount that is needed.    He asked where do you reduce without going to three grades; adding that two grades is hard enough.

In reference to last month’s school board minutes, it was asked what were the cuts that could possibly be made.  Mr. Ruehr shared the following possible cuts:  the reduction of a teacher and reducing the special education teaching time.  It was then asked if the special education teacher position was cut, they could work as an aid.  Ms. Peterson replied that the problem is that students need additional services when they need them, which means that they may not make it here and would become an

out-of-district placement.   Mr. Ruehr explained that we did not cut the cafeteria position as that would mean that staff would have to make lunch.

It was asked if we have to send our kids to Keene or could we send them some place cheaper.  Mr. Ruehr explained that we are in a 17-year contract with Keene.  He also stated that he didn’t know if you could find a cheaper tuition; adding that a long term contract with a good deal means a lot of stability.  Mr. Scharf explained that we have looked at other schools that are not nearly as good and the tuitions are higher.

It was asked why the original principal position was originally two days a week and now it’s three days a week?  Ms. Peterson replied that two days a week did not give her enough time to accomplish what needed to be done.  She also reminded them that her position has no benefits.   The question was asked if a full time secretary was necessary.  Mr. Woolridge replied that all of our small town schools have a full time secretary and that it would be a safety issue not to have a full time secretary.

It was asked why there is so much of a difference in tuition rates in Keene when a special education student is sitting next to another student in a regular education classroom.  Why are we paying special education rates and why aren’t we breaking the special education rates down more.  Mr. Scharf replied that it is a more equitable way of charging, adding that every kid has a different cost by what they participate in; it is an average.  He stated that we had it broken down in the past and we did not do any better.

It was stated that we need to get on the State’s back.  Mr. Scharf replied that we want to take the time and look at it intellectually to come up with the best solution.  We need to get on the legislature to come up with a fair solution.

Mr. Scharf adjourned the Public Hearing at 9:17 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jill Wdowiak

Recording Secretary


February 10, 2010 Minutes of Regular Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 9:33 p.m.


Joseph Scharf, Board Chair

Ernie Perry, Board Member

Stephanie Tickner, Board Member

Marcia Levesque, Board Member

Ken Dassau, Board Member

Phyllis Peterson, Principal

Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools

Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns

Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary

1.             Call to Order

Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 9:33 p.m.

2.    Public Input


3.    Approval of Minutes

On page two, under 5.  Financial Report, third paragraph, last line should read, “A vote of 4-1 was taken.”   A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the amended board minutes of January 13, 2010  (R).  Ms. Tickner seconded the motion.  A unanimous vote in favor was taken.  

4.    Bills and Manifests

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the bills and manifests (ck # 5001951) in the amount of $606.46 and (cks # 5001952-5001978) in the amount of $54,011.53.   Ms. Tickner seconded the motion.  A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

5.     Financial Report

Mr. Ruehr distributed and reviewed the financial report showing a balance of  $511.00 as of February 10, 2010.

Discussion ensued regarding the combining of surrounding small schools to increase efficiency given declining enrollment in Marlow and throughout the area.  Mr. Woolridge will draft a letter for Molly Kelly in the hopes that she can help our current situation with regards to the scheduled reduction in adequacy aid.

6.    Reports

a.    Principal – Ms. Peterson distributed her principal’s report for the Board to review.  She explained that she’s been working on the development of the budget.

b.    Co-Superintendent – Mr. Woolridge informed the Board that no students were absent from Keene Middle or Keene High School for five or more days.  He updated the Board on legislative issues and encouraged them to check out his blog.

c.    School Board Members – None

d.    S.A.U. 29 Committees – None

7.    Old Business

a.    Other - None

8.    New Business

a.    Other – Ms. Levesque brought up the amount of people at the Public Hearing that were concerned about Marlow’s low test scores.  She wanted to point out that Marlow is moving in the right direction at record speed.

9.    Future Agenda/s

March - School Calendar

10.                  Non-Public Session – R.S.A. 91-A:3

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf that the Board move into non-public session at 10:00 p.m. under the provisions of R.S.A. 91-A:3 to discuss staff/student personnel.  Ms. Tickner seconded the motion.  A unanimous vote in favor was taken.  Accompanying the Board was Mr. Woolridge and Ms. Peterson. 

Ms. Tickner made a motion for the Board to return to open session at 10:12 p.m.  Ms. Levesque seconded the motion.  All in favor 5-0.

11.                  Adjournment

Mr. Scharf adjourned the Board Meeting at 10:12 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jill Wdowiak

Recording Secretary