Executive Board
Meeting / February 7, 2008 / Marlow Historical Society / 6:30 PM, Chapel Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Loisanne Foster, Pam Little, and Candy Wiggum The Secretary's Report was read and accepted as read. The Treasurer's report was read and accepted as read. Maria Baril presented her report as membership Chairperson. Maria has sent out many letters and has already received some memberships. In a few weeks she will follow up on any non-responses. Old Business: Selectmen's Minutes Mary noted that she asked the Selectmen to amend their published January 22nd minutes to reflect the presence of Pam Little and Candy Wiggum to discuss the painting of Jones Hall and the alarm system for Jones Hall on behalf of MHS. She also noted that Greg did have information about it in his written notes. Mission accomplished. Petition Warrant Articles We discussed the Petition Warrant Articles for painting
Jones Hall and the alarm system. Mary had recorded the professional on site
survey "paint analysis" by Fred O'Connor, completed 1/26/08, on DVD
and passed out copies. In Jones Hall, we have a moisture problems and
"powder post beetles," so conservation will take more than light
scraping and painting. Wedges need to be put in the make space for air
circulation.. Mike Eno's estimate of $36,000.00 included replacing half the
clapboards. We need to get back to him. If necessary, we can ask them to
raise the amount on the petitioned warrant article at the budget hearing or
at the Town Meeting. The budget hearing is Feb. 15 at 7:00 PM. We do
have painting estimates. We also have four estimates for a monitored
alarm system at Jones Hall, ranging from $4,682. with $250./yr for monitoring
by Mutual Aid (American Electric) to $9750. with $300./yr for monitoring
hardwire (Capital Alarm). In between are Monadnock Wireless and
Tattersol Electric. We had arrived at a figure of $5,500. for the alarm
system. The petitions were turned over to the Select Board in due time. Mary has explained to Rock that we will not be providing
food at the Town Meeting this year and wish it to be known so that someone
else may have a chance and timely notice to prepare. Mary has heard from the owner of the James Burnap House, Tim Symonds of Audio Accessories, in response to her letter of Jan. 24, '08. "Received your letter last week. We're still reviewing options. This will take some time. I'll be in touch when we have information to share. Good day. Tim" New Business: Publication of MHS Membership Candy suggested that we list the MHS members in our
section of Dave Stewart's Marlow Website, and we agreed that it that's a good
idea. We have received from Jacqui Fay and Donna Chase a request for old winter weather photos of Marlow to be included in the Town Report. We agreed to look. Meet the Candidates This program will be held in the afternoon of Saturday,
March 8. Candy Wiggum volunteered to serve as moderator. Mary will take care
of the posters for this event. Loisanne will speak about the MHS Forum and what we have gained from it, especially what we have learned. Loisanne will take care of the posters and other publicity. The Board has directed Loisanne to write a thank you letter to our Forum sponsor sometime after the program. We are most grateful to our underwriter. NHHC Program Pam Little, as Program Chair, reported that she was unable to reach David Watters, so she has has contacted another possible NHHC speaker for a May public program on New Hampshire cemeteries and gravestones, Glen Knob. Second New Hampshire Humanities Council Program Since we are entitled to another NHHC program during the year, we discussed the possibility of sponsoring such a program at Perkins School as a community service. We are considering sponsoring "Knights in Armor" by Paul Manning of Tewksbury, MA in the fall. It is an interactive, hands-on program and said to be wonderful for young people. Envelopes and Stationary We do have lovely new envelopes and stationary for official business. With the larger Jones Hall picture, it is quite elegant! Respectfully submitted, |