Marlow Historical Society Minutes - December 2010
Executive Board Meeting Marlow Historical Society Thursday, December 2, 2010 6:30 PM, Chapel Maria Baril, Gen Ells, Johanna Kent, and Loisanne Foster were present. The Secretary’s report was read and accepted as amended. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented. We presently have a total of $3,165.65 in our combined accounts. Old Business We will be doing a survey of historical buildings with the aim of putting them on the State historical register. It would be useful in applying for grants. We intend to include: the Chapel, the Odd Fellows building (Old Marlow Academy), and the Grange (Murray Hall). Jones Hall is already on the National register. For each, we will need a picture and the history of the building. We intend to support the Keene Sentinel’s “The Way We Were” column which appears every other Tuesday by producing more articles for it. Maria has done a wonderful article on Marlow Academy for which Ed Thomas kindly took a photograph. Loisanne will pursue an article on the Perley Fox home, and Mary also plans to pursue an article. For our part in Marlow’s Christmas celebration on December 4, we have engaged Marek Bennett’s music group, Big Paws, to entertain at Jones Hall. Board members are making donations to cover the expense. Decorations remain at Jones Hall from Christmas on the Pond, so we are all set there. Maria and Gen will act as greeters. New Business Marlow welcomes each new baby with a gift package, each organization donating an appropriate item. Usually there are four or five little newcomers. The Women’s Society gives a $25.00 certificate a J.C. Penny’s. The library gives a book. The Quilting Guild donates a quilt. MHS has been giving a packet of Marlow writing paper. Mary had suggested that we change our gift to a bib embossed with Marlow's logo. We agreed unanimously on the bibs. We support the efforts of the Marlow 250th Anniversary Committee which is planning a special event for each month. For January 8th, we will lend our newly acquired Bayard Huntley story tape for the “Marlow Reminisces” program. The Marlow Gazette deadline is December 10th. It will be coming out the week of the 13th. Mary will produce an article for it on our proposal for restoring our fence along Tin Shop Pond. (See minutes from the November meeting.) Since The Gazette reaches many people, it will be a good way to kick off the fence restoration campaign. The Odd Fellows also want to know more about our proposal, so the article can double as a way of informing them. Then Maria will be able to use the same write-up for the membership letter. A question arose as to whether or not we should help subsidize the Gazette printing. We decided that, at least this time, we would donate $25.00 to the cause. We tabled the question as to whether to make further donations. Maria has volunteered us to speak on Marlow history at a class in Cheshire Academy for Lifelong Learning. Tom Hayes in in charge of the eight-week term class (March 11 - April 29) which meets on Fridays. We need to be ready to work on this. We can mine our own web sites for information. The next History Forum will be held Feb. 17th at (:30 AM in Swanzey. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Loisanne Foster