Executive Board Meeting / Marlow Historical Society /
December 3, 2009: 6:30 PM / The Chapel
Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, and Loisanne Foster were present. Loisanne
read the Secretary's Report and the minutes were accepted as read. Mary Blank
presented the Treasurer's Report. Thanks mainly to Marcia Levesque's donation
of a quilt to raffle, we did especially well at the Harvest Fest this year:
raffle tickets, $455.00; , $250.00, Book Sale and Donations, and Booth Sales,
$404.00, making a total of $705.00 toward Murray Hall Restoration. Booth
Sales at Christmas on the Pond totaled $251.00. Our ending balance for all
accounts is $5241.20. That includes an amount which is tagged for our our
250th anniversary as a town in 2011.
Old Business:
We reviewed the letter about Marlow's community spirit of volunteerism which
we have been writing with the intent to send it to the Selectmen to
communicate with them about citizen responsibility and also make a statement
for the public record about what it takes to make a town as unique and
beautiful as Marlow. We decided to instead submit it as our entry in the Town
Report for 2010 so all Marlow citizens will have on opportunity to read it.
We added some further items. Gen reminded us that we should give the letter
thrust and real meaning by asking for action, such as the conservation and
care of Jones Hall. Loisanne is to have another draft ready to present at the
January 7th Board Meeting.
We reviewed our preparation for Rebecca Rule's program at Jones Hall Dec. 4th
- tree, food, heat, and so on.
We reviewed the status of our search for grants, particularly
non-Preservation Alliance Grants. Jacqui Fay has compiled an impressive book
on the grants available in New Hampshire.
Jeff Littleton is getting ready to wrap up his work on Marlow's Inventory of
Natural and Historical Resources. Pam will ask him if it is now too late to
submit material.
We are conscious of making sure that Murray Hall, although far from
completely restored, is used for public events. Recently it was used for a
children's Halloween party. We are currently having the windows re-glazed.
Since there have been some issues regarding the exact extent of the land on
which Murray Hall sits, we studied a 1986 land/boundary survey. It shows
plainly that the boundary averages 12" from the north side of the
building, 13.4 ' at the front and 3' at the back. We discussed whether or not
to mark the boundary or to give someone else permission to use the land so we
will not later be subject to "adverse possession." We discussed the
possibility of making a boundary of native bayberry bushes as their growth is
New Business:
Pam Little presented us with a template of possible programs for 2010. We
decided on having no public program in January, a Coffee House in February, a
NHHC Program (preferably Frank Bherens on the music of Gilbert and Sullivan
for March, an MHS Perkins Elementary Field Trip (possibly including a visit
by spinner, Sue Coleman of Charlestown) in April. For May, we will ask
Jonathan Reinhardt and his group to perform. We always participate in
Memorial Day Commemorations. June is such a busy time for families, we'll
probably not have a June program. In July, we expect to put on the Monadnock
Music Dinner, our largest fund raiser. For August, we'll plan another NHHC
program. September will bring elections at our Annual Meeting. October brings
the Harvest Festival and November, Christmas on the Pond. In December, we'll
having another Christmas Radio Show.
Maria Baril has drafted a membership letter and asked for anecdotes about
exciting things MHS has accomplished recently.
With the end of Adam Plumb's three year term, Candy Wiggum's absence due to her
stint in the Peace Corps, and Marge Keith's resignation due to illness, we
again have a shortage of Board Members. We determined to ask Johanna Kent if
she would join us as a Director on the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.
The next meeting will be January 7, 2010 at 6:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster