Executive Board Minutes
Marlow Historical Society
Chapel: 6:30 PM
August 4, 2011
Present: Maria Baril (for the beginning), Loisanne Foster, Johanna Kent,
and Joanne Thomas
Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report from July. It was accepted as read.
We reviewed and accepted the Treasurer’s Report as written. We currently have
$13,127.93 in our account of which approximately $9,800.00 from special
contributions, is designated for our 250th Anniversary Tinshop Pond Fence
Restoration Project.
Old Business
Joanne will order the quilt boxes we had agreed on earlier.
Maria has the extra community pictures. Only one needs to be mailed.
Johanna will check with Pat Strickland for catalogs and on line to research
prices for racks to hold the binders and booklets that Loisanne assembled.
Joanne suggested that our next archival project should be indexing the Audrey
Benson Scrapbook copy and that we solicit some reliable, methodical people to
do this exacting work.
We decided to make a survey of the C.A.L.L. class we will conduct in November
to discover what they would like to learn about Marlow’s history.
We will put out more Marlow history books at the library and have some
available at the museum for our visitors.
The company we chose for the Tinshop Fence Restoration insisted on changing
the specifications after we had chosen them to do the work. They wanted to
change the materials and other important items, so the Tinshop Fence Committee
will meet again and decide which contractor to choose.
New Business
We will assemble a small collection of MHS merchandise to be available to
visitors at the museum during Sunday hours.
We will have new membership applications available at the museum.
Loisanne will make more bookmarks and a handout containing all our contact
information to have available at the museum.
Joanne suggested that we seek a long, narrow table for the museum for the
ease of people looking at the binders and also for those working on archival
Our archivists will be opening the trunk of antique Marlow clothes donated by
Geri Plotts. At that point we will need more archival storage boxes and more
mannequins. We also need to study procedures for dealing with old textiles.
We voted unanimously to purchase a scanner to go with the computer and
printer that Ed Thomas donated.
We will refurbish the labels of all the exhibits in the museum Joanne Thomas
has already scanned and saved the duplicates of those labels which are in our
To practice good stewardship of our artifacts, we need a simple accession
For the fall NH Humanities Council Program, Runaway Wives by Marcia Schmidt
Blaine, we debated the location, Odd Fellows Hall, Perkins School, or Jones
Hall and chose Jones Hall. We also discussed the possibility of having a
potluck supper before the speaker, but we decided on having “pot luck
desserts.” We will ask a subcommittee to be in charge of that aspect.
Since Marcia Schmidt Blaine comes from Plymouth, we will need to provide her
with dinner and possibly overnight accommodation. Joanne Thomas will host the
speaker at her home.
For this NHHC event, we should do publicity one month out which will be in
late September.
Knowing that the Church is looking for a fundraiser, we conceived the idea
that perhaps they would like to put on a dinner the same evening as a general
and/or public MHS meeting. This might enhance attendance at both events.
The 250th Birthday Celebration Committee is giving to MHS the profits from
the sale of the community picture taken by Ed Thomas. We will make about
$6.00 each. Ed Thomas is not taking any profit from the sale.
We voted to turn down David Mc Lanahan’s offer to involve MHS in the
publication of his Marlow photographs as prints and cards and their sale at
regional shops. We have too much on our plate right now to involve MHS in the
complexities of a business venture. We appreciate the offer and plan to
continue to offer the card copies we have already made at Marlow events.
Bruce Bellows of Alstead will donate a wooden sap bucket to MHS.
Peter Eisenstadter has donated a sign from Marlow’s Bicentennial in 1961.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster
Secretary, MHS