August 12, 2010 Minutes of Special Meeting / Marlow School Board / John D. Perkins School, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Joseph Scharf, Board Chair Ernie Perry, Board Member Stephanie Tickner, Board Member Marcia Levesque, Board Member Ken Dassau, Board Member Phyllis Peterson, Principal Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools Tim Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns Kathy Selvidio, Recording Secretary Present for all or a portion of the meeting: Bud LeFreniere, Nancy Tomasko 1. Call to order: Mr. Scharf called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss a possible tuition agreement with Unity. Mr. Scharf shared that Marlow is one of the top schools to receive Unity students if they need to tuition out. The date that Unity taxpayers vote is August 23rd. Mr. Woolridge shared with the board what the two warrant articles will be that Unity is to vote on. One would be to build a new school; if this passes minor renovations will need to take place. The second would be to do a renovation, if this passes, Unity students will need a new home for approximately two years. It is Mr. Woolridge’s belief that the voters will choose to build new, or at least renovate. Mr. Woolridge believes that the state will grandfather them in and allow some building aide. The board needs to determine that if they need to take students, they would then need to have an emergency meeting after the vote on August 27th Some points that were discussed:
Joe Scharf and Wayne will contact Unity to encourage them to get together with Marlow before hand to discuss some concerns and accommodate those. Input from Unity is needed. Mr. Woolridge laid out some other options to entertain:
Ken Dassau made a motion for the board to authorize the chair and superintendent to share concerns and ideas with the Unity School Board. Stephanie Tickner seconded the motion, vote taken, 5–0, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Selvidio Recording Secretary