August 2009 Select Board Minutes

Select Board Minutes August 3, 2009


Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen and Mark Lanier.

Ø  Check manifest signed in the amount of $105,854.07.

  Ø  At 5pm Selectmen met with representatives from the State DOT to discuss the location and amount of land to be purchased. Selectmen and the State discussed beginning the land just south of the utility pole across from Symondsville Rd. Selectmen will hire a surveyor to complete the next phase of the process, once the Selectmen and State agree upon the boundary the land will be taken to be declared excess.

  Ø  Minutes signed for July 15, 20 and 27.

  Ø  LGC Academy training to be reviewed to see if any would be beneficial to the Town.

  Ø  Selectmen checked with the DRA they can use the balance of money authorized to paint the newly acquired fire truck as it is a reasonably associated cost.

  Ø  Letter signed to Pine Tree Cable.

  Ø  Application received from Dave Vesco.

  Ø  UNH GIS training, no one to attend.

 Ø  Selectmen to look into contract with ECS for monitoring at the fire station, Selectmen have not seen the contract before and want to look into it before signing.

  Ø  DES is proposing changes to the rules for stream crossings.

  Ø  NHRS legislative update reviewed.

  Ø  PO signed in the amount of $150 for the purchase of checks.

  Ø  Executive Counsel District Two news release reviewed.

  Ø  PDIP request for 90,000 signed.

  Ø  Thank you letter received from the community kitchen.

  Ø  Letter from Melanson and Heath received, they are a municipal auditing company, letter filed for future reference if needed.

  Ø  Best practices for mowing Knotweed reviewed and filed.

  Ø  Presentation from CityVoice they rely on WiMax network to provide wireless internet service to the Town. They are applying for a grant to fund computers, staff and installation costs of installation. The monthly fee is $40 for service, which would be fixed for a period of 5 years. They will hear on the grant application in September and hoping to be up and running by next spring. Selectmen liked the presentation; they appear to be a good option as Radius North has appeared to have stalled out. Selectmen will be sent a draft letter to sign stating interest and that there is no financial responsibility on the part of the Town. Jacqui will also get a copy of the presentation so that anyone who is interested can come to the Town office and look over the material.

  Ø  Dave Vesco came to inquire as to the status of his application. There was one other person that came in to the meeting tonight and took an application for the animal control officer. Chief Avery was here and told Dave that in this town that the animal control officer is also a police officer. Dave wanted to see the RSA, Ken told him it was an administrative policy. Dave stated that about six weeks ago there was an applicant and it fizzled out. Dave questioned if he had to be certified as a police officer, Ken stated that he wouldn’t have to be certified but would have to be working towards certification. Dave felt that he was being denied the position and wanted to see the policy in writing, Ken stated that it isn’t in writing and that Dave could still apply for the job but would have to apply for the right job. Dave asked who would be inspecting the kennel, Ken stated that he has completed his inspections, issued one written citation and the problem was corrected within 72 hours. Dave wants to volunteer his time to assist Ken with the animal control. Dave stated that he would be unbiased; Ken stated that he didn’t feel that he would be unbiased. The selectmen are ultimately in charge of hiring with Ken’s recommendation. Dave has been sleeping with ear plugs the dogs are still bothering his wife. Dave stated that the Humane Society has told him that unless someone goes on the property and inspects and sees visually that there is a problem. The last four mornings Dave has been hearing a whimpering sound from the kennel. He thought that there might be a bark collar on the dog. Ken stated that he would check the kennel out again. Ken stated that there are two applicants at this time, one is right around the corner of being tested, the other just picked up the application. Ken told Dave that he could apply for the position.

  Ø  Radius North is coming next week.

  Ø  Selectmen authorized payment of the Plodzick bill after reviewing the bill.

  Ø  Meeting adjourned 9pm.

 Select Board Minutes August 10, 2009

Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye. 

Ø Check manifest signed in the amount of $11,729.86. Selectmen also reviewed the check registers from 7/13 and noted a correction of .54 as well as reviewing the manifest from 7/29.

 Ø Minutes from 8/3 signed.

  Ø Marc Spinale and Robert Close came from Radius North. Selectmen updated him on the new company that has proposed coming in to Marlow. US Cell had led them to believe that the company had to rent from US Cell, which they now understand that Marlow has a space that they can rent to individuals. They are as well looking at trying to get a USDA grant. Radius North feels that they are a locally owned company, that provides a specialized attentive service to their customers. Customers can reach one of the principals and if there is a problem the company can respond quickly to any technological needs of their customers. They also wanted the board to know that they are an experienced company and that setting up the WISP is not an easy process. Their pricing is from 39 to 79 dollars per month. They expect to hear on the grant money in the next few weeks and if awarded or not they could come and install in the next few months.

  Ø Leon Jones came to request the Selectmen’s permission to do some work to the Old Stage Coach Rd. The road has fallen into bad condition over the years and he would like to improve the access so that he can maintain his land accessible from this road. There is field he uses for his cattle and blueberries that he harvests. He would need to cut some brush in the roadway between the stonewalls as well as haul in appropriate fill to build the water bars. Selectmen approved his request as he had spoken with the road agent as he had approved his scope of work.

Ø Timber tax worksheet completed for Map 412 lot 42-01, 002.


Ø Jacqui verified that the Town will hire a surveyor, Jacqui has contacted a number of surveyors.

  Ø Selectmen decided to award the painting of the new fire truck to Cam signs, this was the low bid, biggest scope of work to be completed and the company had good references.

  Ø PO for $2,000 to purchase new minitors for the fire department was put on hold until selectmen can determine where a late bill will be placed on this fiscal year or last fiscal year, neither the Selectmen nor the Fire Chief want to see the Fire Department go over budget, PO will be held until next week when selectmen can examine the year to date budget figures.

Ø PO for bronze grave markers in the amount of $287.55 held as well until the budget can be examined.

Ø NRRA newsletter reviewed.

  Ø Contract signed with ECS Marin for water monitoring at the Fire Station. 

Ø Letter signed for City Voice.

Ø July account balance reviewed.

Ø PSNH rates have been increased.

Ø Tax deed received for Map 405 lot 065. Dan Kinson to contact town attorney to answer questions the board had in regards to procedural matters.

 Ø Budget and Finance workshop to be forwarded to Budget Committee.

Ø Selectmen discussed the damages that occurred to a class VI road and will have Tony go and take pictures as well as write an estimate for the damages to be sent to the logging company requesting payment for damages.


Ø Meeting adjourned 10:30pm.

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Select Board Minutes August 17, 2009 

Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye.

Ø Check manifest signed in the amount of $6,498.24

  Ø Minutes from 8/10 signed.

  Ø Contract signed with Cartographics for next years tax map.

  Ø Planning board minutes reviewed.

  Ø Letter signed to the Town of Lempster notifying them of the changes to the ambulance fee schedule as this has not been done in many years.  The purpose to to more evenly distribute the operating cost of the ambulance budget.

  Ø EEE update from the State reviewed.

  Ø Timber tax warrant signed.

  Ø NHDOT Historic Bridge inventory reviewed.

  Ø NHDOT letter re: aerial photography reviewed.

  Ø Municipalis reviewed.

Ø Email from Dave Eisenberg reviewed urging the Selectmen to go with RadiusNorth for broadband service given their definitive time table.  Selectmen discussed the issue and want to make sure the over all proposal best suites the Town.  CityVoice has offered telephone and high speed internet for $40 per month; the town would also be able to hire three people to install in the town, allowing three more people who may be in need of money to find employment.  Selectmen support CityVoice and RadiusNorth but are reluctant to exclusively sign on with one company.

  Ø NHDES ecolink reviewed.

  Ø PO signed for emergency lamps in the amount of $249.29.

  Ø Doug Stewart came to request information re: flood plain ordinance. He had questions on lot 52 on route 10, the FEMA plans look like the flood plain touches part of the property but the ordinance referenced the Selectmen adopting the high water mark.  Selectmen have not done so to date as there is no information for them to base an intelligent decision on.  Building inspector to look at the lot and make a decision for issuing a permit.

  Ø One EEE positive test in Rockingham County.

  Ø Dubois and King sent a letter RE: Lewis Bridge, reviewed and filed.

  Ø FEMA determination reviewed, file map and lot.

  Ø Bank reconciliation signed.

  Ø Filed grant application for energy effiency.

  Ø Two quotes received for survey of state property where transfer station is located on is for $2,945 the other for $2,000-$2,500.  Selectmen would like to see one more bid. 

Ø ACEC-NH reviewed and filed.

  Ø Letter sent to SWRPC supporting broadband technologies in this area.

  Ø Selectmen reviewed the tax deed and decided to get the up to date figures from the auditors, have the town attorney review the file and draft a letter to the former owner.

  Ø Cam signs came in to receive a deposit for painting the new fire truck, check given in the amount of $2,500 as  a deposit, a W-9 was filled out.

  Ø Reappointment signed for Tom Foote for Fire Warden, Tom brought a copy of his recent evaluation.

Ø Meeting 8:22pm.

Select Board Minutes August 24, 2009 

Present: Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye.

Ø Check manifest signed in the amount of $12,773.34 [Hold on CK # 27009] 

Ø Minutes from 8/17 signed.

  Ø Selectmen approved NAPA invoice for Police dept.

  Ø Selectmen reviewed Legislative Bulletin 8/21/09

  Ø The board of Selectmen will be the overseer of Welfare until further notice

  Ø Any one interested in the assistant Treasurer position please contact Jenn Little or Jacqui @ the town office

  Ø Selectmen Arbovirus Surveillance Bulletin #6

  Ø Selectmen received notice from BROX IND regarding paving schedule for August on rt. 10

  Ø Selectmen signed Delegation of Deposit Authority for Jenn Little [Town Treasurer.

  Ø Reviewed Auditors comments and will forward tax deed info to town attorney

Ø Selectmen replied to inquiry from the US Census.

  Ø Inquiry from DOT regarding Historical bridges reviewed and does not appear to apply to the Town of Marlow Selectmen reviewed offer from DOT. For reduced cost for High resolution aerial Photos ,Will forward to Conservation for any interest.

 Ø Selectmen received and reviewed Us Cellular Bond for removal or the Cell Tower if needed, as required in our agreement.

  Ø Jacqui to foreword 911 posting info to US Cellular for the cell tower site.

  Ø Selectmen reviewed three proposals for the survey work for the Transfer station land purchase from the DOT. The three proposals and selected DiBernardo Associates LLC. proposal based on price and completeness of the proposal for $2,925.00

  Ø Selectmen filed for extension for MS-1 due to pending completed MS-61 form.

  Ø Selectmen reviewed and filed DOT driveway permit for Lot 407-4

  Ø Selectmen received and reviewed the DRA’s monitoring of our Cyclical work forward to CNP for comment.

  Ø Received and will post H1N1 &EEE health alerts.  

Meeting Adjourned 9:22pm.


Select Board Minutes August 31, 2009

Present: Dan Kinson, Bob Allen, Mark Lanier and Jacqui Faye.

Ø  Check manifest signed in the amount of $69,598.08.

Ø  August 24th minutes signed.

Ø  Jones Hall reserved on 11/21 for Christmas on the Pond craft fair.

Ø  Dave Vesco was telephoned and updated on the status of an animal control officer.

Ø  EEE Public Health Emergency reviewed.

Ø  Letter from Trident reviewed and filed.

Ø  Letter signed to Beth Fernald.

Ø  Crisis Leadership for local officials, no one to attend.

Ø  Contact info for CityVoice to be emailed to David Eisenberg.

Ø  Stream rules public hearing has been postponed.

Ø  Info on EEE from UNH cooperative extension reviewed and filed.

Ø  Jen Brown came in representing the conservation commission to discuss a couple of P.O.’s that conservation commission put in for. One was for the purchase of a weed wrench (2) that will pull up to a 2” sapling out of the ground. The conservation commission was approached by the Sand Pond Association as they are loosing grant funding for the Lake Host Program. Selectmen were concerned with donating money to a private organization. While their efforts benefit the Town’s conservation selectmen would like to give the voters of Marlow the opportunity to voice their support or objection to the donation in the form of a warrant article. Selectmen approved the purchase of the weed wrench as it would be available to the residents of the Town to use. Selectmen would like to see a liability waiver and a sign up sheet to be maintained by the conservation commission.

Ø  The Selectmen would like to wish Tony Davis a happy 50th birthday.

Ø  Liz Davis is concerned because she reports that Mack Hill Rd , a class VI road has been blocked. There are also animals that run loose (pigs, sheep, turkeys) that run up and harass you. Her ability to ride her horse on the class VI road has been impeded. The other concern was about the Murdoughs living in the trailer, Liz was concerned about them living in a trailer on wheels and not paying taxes as well as operating a business out of the property without notifying the abutters. Selectmen were not aware of any provisions requiring notification of abutters only if it were for a variance for a non permitted use, Selectmen also verified that they were paying taxes.

Ø  PO signed in the amount of $2,000 to purchase new minitors V’s for the Fire Department.

Ø  P.O. signed in the amount of $301.50 to purchase grave markers.

Ø  Public Notice for Governors Advisory Commission reviewed.

Ø  Abatement signed for Map 406 lot 022.

Ø  LGC bulletin reviewed.

Ø  NRRA newsletter reviewed.

Ø  PDIP signed in the amount of $55,000.

Ø  Selectmen elected not to sign up for the NH Municipal Energy Committee group email.

Ø  Mark met with DiBernardo to set up the survey for the State Property.

Ø  Selectmen discussed renting a postage meter and purchasing a mail box to reduce time and expenses for Town mail. Selectmen wanted to know how much to purchase equipment vs. renting and how much the rental payment goes to after one year.

Ø  Budget figures reviewed.

Ø  Check number 27009 will be held for further discussion next week.

Ø  Jacqui contacted DES to see if they had any money to assist the town in the land fill closure, the response was no not for two years at least.

Ø  Budget figure reviewed.

Ø  MS-1 extension request was granted.

Ø  Meeting adjourned 9:22pm.