Marlow Historical Society
Executive Board Meeting
August 6, 2009 / 6:30 PM
Maria Baril, Loisanne Foster, and Pamela Little were present. As Vice
President, Pam chaired the meeting. Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report
which was approved as amended. The Treasurer’s report was tabled until Mary,
our Treasuer, is present.
Old Business
Mary sent a report that on the Monadnock Music Dinner, we made a total of
$688.08. Also, the CD transaction with the Citizens Bank is complete.
The NHHC speaker, Rebecca Rule, will be with us on Nov. 12. Pam will complete
the paperwork for this.
New Business
The Annual Meeting will be Sept. 17, the third Thursday in September. After
discussing various options for a speaker, it was agreed that Loisanne will
tell humorous and mysterious stories from Marlow history. We will need to
activate the phone tree to call members. Pam will redo the telephone tree and
redistribute Candy’s call list as she will be leaving us.
Candy Wiggum has served MHS and the community well. She has been an
initiator, a doer, and and inspiration. She will be greatly missed.
Marcia Levesque has made a quilt to be raffled for the October Harvest Fest.
Pam will donate a picnic basket with picnic ware for the second prize. The
third prize will be a basket of selected Marlow Historical Society sales
items such as note cards. We need to start selling the raffle tickets for the
quilt soon. If Mary will make the ticket page, since she must have a template
for it, Pam will get the tickets copied, and Mara will be in charge of
distributing them to sell. Loisanne will make the poster. Pam will send her
photos of the picnic basket. We need to get quilt photos. We will sell the
tickets for $1.00 each and six for $5.00.
With the Harvest Fest coming, we need to inventory our stock of sales items.
We think we need more long sleeved shirts, but we need to check. We mentioned
the possibility of having the Johanna Kent Marlow photo note card
professionally copied. Mary will know where that may be done.
We decided to run the MHS book sale during the Harvest Fest. Loisanne noted
that in previous years it was simply run by people overseeing the MHS Art
Show, and that worked fine.
The Marlow Christmas MHS radio show will be upon us soon. Loisanne will write
another humorous skit. Pam will ask her husband, Jason, if he will be willing
to perform a musical selection. We will need to recruit others as well.
We voted not to keep the school coat rack which had been rescued. It is
large, ungainly, and seems to have no immediate use where it is in the foyer
of Murray Hall. To be moved into the kitchen, it would need to be dismantled
and reconstructed. It is not a quality piece of furniture.
Mary Blank and Johanna Kent sorted through the Town Reports, keeping a
complete set for MHS archives and a complete set for Marlow Library last
year. We have a large number left over from as early as 1893 to recent
editions. We decided to sell them.
We will need a Nominating Committee to arrive at a slate of officers for the
Sept. Annual Meeting. We brainstormed ideas for “new blood” in the MHS
Our next MHS meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 3rd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster
Secretary, MHS