Executive Board
Meeting / Marlow Historical Society / Thursday, August 7, 2008 / 6:30 PM /
The Chapel
The meeting began at 6:35 PM with Maria Baril, Mary Bank, Gen Ells, Loisanne
Foster, and Candy Wiggum were present. The Secretary's Report was read and
accepted with the addition that Pam Little, whose name had been inadvertently
omitted, attended the last executive meeting meeting. The Treasurer's Report
was read, discussed, and accepted as read. Our net profit at the Monadnock
Music Dinner was $897.97. (We had also amassed and paid the required $600.00
for the concert through contributions so designated. Painting of the Hearse
House is paid and also the cost of the 1876 Album Quilt Conservation
Project.) Our new balance is $2,683.73.
Monadnock Music Concert and Dinner:
This was our best MMD for several years. We served about
125 people, and made a fine profit, even though we were unable to procure our
usual certificates from Keene businesses. The Marlow community is generous in
providing salads and the glorious desserts for our famous dessert buffet. We
received many compliments.
We thank Maria for being in charge of the food this year
and for vacuuming Jones Hall before the concert. As usual, Al Blank supplied
us with the infra-structure and helped put it in place and disassemble it. As
usual, Tom Freschetto was invaluable. We thank Susan Rock for rushing from
her work in Concord to be our hostess. We thank Charlie Strickland for his
eighth year of manning the ticket table. We thank Jeanne Washer for all her
help in the kitchen. We thank all those who contributed time or food to our
biggest annual fundraiser.
Maria suggested that, for next year, we be creative in
soliciting additional volunteers for the many tasks that need to be done in
preparation for, during, and after the Monadnock Music Concert and Dinner,
perhaps asking the Youth Group. Candy suggested we ask the Boy Scouts and/or
the Cub Scouts. Pam Little said she could find a few young people.
Burnap House:
We have a new letter from Audio Accessories which states
that they are unable to donate the Burnap House, but they are willing to sell
it to us for $95,000.00. Of course, we do not have $95,000.00, but we decided
to try one more option. The New Hampshire Preservation Alliance has
communicated with us about a new program called "Seven to Save"
which is meant to focus attention and resources on seven historic New
Hampshire properties in 2008 which are threatened with destruction. We will
inform Audio Accessories that we are submitting an application to the New
Hampshire Preservation Alliance for aid in acquiring and preserving the
Burnap House. Pam Little is will write AA a letter to that effect. We believe
that the Burnap House fits the description of the type of property the
Preservation Alliance has in mind, and Pam Little is gathering material,
including documents, correspondence, our newsletter, and photographs to
support our application. It's a long shot, but, at the moment, it seems to be
Marlow's only hope of saving this historic building.
In the past, John Salo had volunteered to talk with Tim
Symonds of Audio Accessories about the Burnap House, and we had said,
"Let's wait and see." We decided that now is the time to invoke
John's help.
Oral History:
Loisanne explained that she has completed an interview
with Donald Dunlap about the Dunlap furniture tradition and his own furniture
making. She also took many photographs and will presently write an article
for our news letter and Forum. Her interview with Ulric Lindholm awaits
Loisanne explained that Joanne Thomas has completed and transcribed her World
War II interview with Charles Strickland using our new digital recorder. We
will be able to make CD copies easily.
Ace Ells was on a minesweeper in the Mediterranean. Gen will ask her husband
if he would like to participate.
Cemetery Walk at West Yard Cemetery:
The date has been moved from August to Saturday, Sept. 13
at 1:00 PM. The rain date is Sunday, Sept. 14 at 1:00 PM. This will not be a
dramatized Cemetery Walk, but a tour and talk covering such early Marlow
citizens such as Nicodemus and Bethuel Miller (our first storekeeper and his
son), Eleazer Beckwith (our first official Baptist minister), and Solomon Gee
I and II (our first mill builder and his son, Free Will Baptists). Loisanne
will be the tour guide and speaker.
Grassy Brook Watershed:
Conservation Commission has communicated with us that they
received the grant they sought for Grassy Brook Watershed Conservation. There
were many applicants and New Hampshire awarded Acworth, Marlow, Nottingham,
and Seabrook with grants. We had supported their application with two
letters. Loisanne had written a letter for MHS commending their efforts,
community outreach, expertise, and plans. Mary had written a letter
guaranteeing that MHS will give forty hours of research in kind. We heartily
congratulate the Conservation Commission on their success. We need to discover
how we should use the hours we have promised.
Adam Plumb:
Adam tells us that his Eagle Scout Project and Venture
crew left him little time for MHS this year, but he does want to remain
involved. With the Eagle Scout project completed, he expects to have more
He asks for a letter commending his Eagle Scout Project,
Bald Mountain Preserve. It includes trails to the Marlow Profile with benches
along the way, a roofed kiosk with map and directions, and a picnic table and
a flag at the top. Loisanne will write the official MHS letter, and Candy,
who has been using the trails, will also write a letter for Adam.
MHS Board Directors and Nominating Committee:
Citing a need to free himself from obligations in his
retirement years, Art Schmid has resigned as a Director. His three year term
would have been up in 2010, so when we hold elections at the annual meeting
in September, we will be seeking to fill this position.
The three-year term for Candy Wiggum's position as one of three Directors
ends in September, and she will be moving on to exciting changes in her life,
so she will not stand for another term. We will also be seeking to fill that
Maria Baril and Pam Little will serve as the Nominating Committee for the
September 18th election.
Marion Rawson Paintings:
On behalf of MHS, Mary is gathering Marion Rawson painting
in Marlow to be exhibited at the Alstead Art and Music Festival August 16th.
Some are in our library. Others are privately owned.
Letter from Donna Chase:
Donna suggests that to interest Marlow children in their
town, we might imitate the idea of "The Seven Wonders of Sassafras
Springs," a popular children's book, with "The Seven Wonders of
Marlow." She expressed a number of ideas about how the community might
implement this project. We agreed that it would be great to play a role in
Harvest Festival:
The date is set for Oct. 5th. Mary has already
participated in an organizational meeting of the groups involved. The Shanty
Town Band will perform in front of Jones Hall. There will be a petting zoo.
Gen will talk to Delores Lake about gathering Ronnie Lake's model Marlow
houses for a display. Delores will know who has each.
The MHS Art Show will feature Susan Rock's Katrina quilting project.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25
The next Board meeting is Sept. 4, 6:30 PM at the Chapel.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster