April 2012 Select Board Minutes

April 2, 2012

Meeting attendees Ed Thomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay

Sign check manifest in the amount of $119,306.93 for 19 March 2012.

Swore in the following appointed Positions

            Fire Chief            Tom Foote

            Police Chief         Ken Avery

            Tony Davis          Road Agent

Heidi Chevalier   Deputy Treasurer

            Tony Davis          Joint Loss Management Committee

            Geraldine Plotts  Cemetery Trustee

Went into Private Session 8:15 - 8:30

Selectmen reviewed meeting held with Alstead regarding possible joint ventures.

Selectmen discussed current info from ECS Marin regarding Fire Station status.

Selectmen signed Bank transfer in the amount of $125,000.

Selectmen signed PO for $220.00 for the Fire Dept to purchase equipment for the Tanker.

Selectmen reviewed confirmation that joining a different insurance pool reduced our health insurance by 18%, this will off set the current 12.6% increase.

Selectmen reviewed new Equalization ratio of 117.2%, this year the DRA opted to use Time Trending as we requested in our appeal last year. No appeal will be required this year due to the positive #.

Selectmen Reviewed Bank Reconciliation

Selectmen completed Timber Tax work sheet for M&L 406-004

Selectmen reviewed and processed Charitable Org. Statements form A-9 and A12 from

Marlow Historical Society.

Reviewed Grant opportunities

Selectmen reviewed and signed The MS-2 [Report of Appropriations actually voted on @ TownMeeting.

Reviewed status of Nims trainings and current requirements

Current status of taxing phone poles per new legislation most communities having issues implementing new system.

Reviewed current Master Plan and the guidelines for updating the plan.

Selectmen reviewed potential Town Webb site providers. Ed Thomas to review and make recommendation next week.

 Meeting adjourned @ 11:00pm  

April 9, 2012

Meeting attendees Ed Thomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen

Signed check manifest in the amount of $6,853.42 for 2012.

Swore in the following appointed positions

            Lyle Handy                   Planning Board member

            Phillip O.Brian            Police Officer

Selectmen signed a Current Use application for Lot 405-126.

Selectmen reviewed Fire Training Grant opportunities.

Joanne Tomas reserved Jones Hall 1pm - 5pm April 29th.

Selectmen reviewed Dept of Labor training.

Selectmen reviewed New 2012/2013 Current Use assessment rates.

Selectmen reviewed PSNH application to attach decorations to utility poles.

Selectmen reviewed Deluzzio billing for 2011 & 2012.

Selectmen signed Timber Tax Warrant for M&L 406-004.

Ed discussed his evaluation of companies that provide official web site support.  After reviewing, the Selectmen voted to move forward with Virtual Town Hall.

Selectmen reviewed Current Use lands with Recreational Adjustment.

Selectmen signed an Intent to Cut for M&L # 203-028.

Selectmen executed a new participation agreement with the LGC, changing insurance pools and insurance year definition to start 7/1/12.

Meeting adjourned @ 10:50pm  

April 16, 2012

Attendees: Ed Tomas, Tom Fuschetto, Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay

Selectmen signed check manifest in the amount of $10,602.55 for 16 April 2012.

Review and sign minutes from meeting of 9 April 2012.

Tony Davis to meet with the Selectmen.

            Reviewed authorization to purchase from Gov’t surplus

            Reviewed Highway radio proposal, Grant application

            NH the Beautiful Grant Opportunities for the Transfer station

            Reviewed local gravel suppliers

Review potential excavation sites and discuss test pits on Marlow Hill Road.

Brush Pit has now opened.

Bill Letsky to meet with Selectmen regarding the new official town web site April 30 see email.

Confirm Hazard Mitigation Meeting dates, establish schedule.

Selectmen reviewed and signed Jen Brown and Bradley Hubbard ref PA-29 application.

Selectmen reviewed Ambulance figures.

Selectmen public notice from the Town of Alstead ref the cell tower.

See email dated April 13 from NHHSEM Field Services ref 2013 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant.

Selectmen reviewed quote from Amer Electric ref fire alarms will review with Fire department.

Labor Law Training Sessions June 26th.

Selectmen processed A-10 application for Map 405 Lot 116.

See email dated April 12 from NHMA ref Fairpoint.

Selectmen see email from PSNH and assessment card for Fairpoint.

See copy of letter dated April 5 regarding change to Special Flood Hazard Area.

Selectmen received notice that due to redistricting Matt Apgar will be our Forest Ranger.

Selectmen reviewed and initial BTLA A-9 form for IOOF.

Meeting adjourned @ 11: 55pm

April 23, 2012


April 30, 2012

Attendees: Ed Tomas Bob Allen, Jacqui Fay

Absent: Tom Fuschetto

Sign check manifest  in the aount of $109.756.75 for 30 April 2012.

Review and sign minutes from meeting of 23 April 2012.

Selectmen reviewed and approved hourly reimbursement rates for police dept work details

Selectmen reviewed and filed the BTLA form A-9 [Property Exemption] for the Marlow  School District.

Selectmen reviewed Transfer station account Reconciliation as of 4/26/12

Selectmen signed a proposal from Amer Electric to change over to Alarm monitoring to SWMA.

Selectmen reviewed Ambulance billing account balance and discussed pending charges from Deluzio.

Selectmen signed PDIP transfer for $75,000.00

Selectmen reviewed and signed Purchase order for highway dept for $ 1,135.25 for hydraulic and Engine oil

Meeting adjourned 10:30 pm