Marlow Historical Society Minutes - April 2011
Executive Board Meeting
Marlow Historical Society
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Johanna Kent, Loisanne Foster, and Joanne Thomas were present. Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report which was accepted as read. Mary Blank gave the Treasurer’s Report which was accepted as read.
Old Business:
Maria reported on our progress in the fund for restoring the village fence. We have had many generous donations. We are leaning toward engaging Mr. Gallion as he is local and highly competent. We will explore going directly to a building supply company to ask for a break on the price of materials. LaValley’s was mentioned. We are continuing to explore accepting volunteer help under Mr. Gallion’s direction. The fence should have several coats of high-grade primer which could be applied by volunteers inside Murray Hall (The Grange).
Maria and Joanne have worked to assemble information and materials for the coming Marlow Quilt Show which is part of the celebration of Marlow’s 250th year. The event itself is under the direction of Donna Chase and Marcia Levesque.
New Business:
Joanne and Maria have worked to review the materials at the MHS museum and office. They have decided that a number of the volumes we had which pertain to state and national government do not belong with MHS, and have arranged to have them placed elsewhere or sold. The copies of the Congressional Record, beginning with the Second Continental Congress, has been accepted at the State level. Agricultural bulletins have been moved on as have the volumes containing the State of New Hampshire laws and legal precedents from the beginning. Other similar materials have been removed as well. Some have been placed at HSCC. Some are on Craig’s List.
We reviewed parts of the program for the coming year and decided to arrange a NH Humanities program for the fall.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster
Marlow Historical Society
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Johanna Kent, Loisanne Foster, and Joanne Thomas were present. Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report which was accepted as read. Mary Blank gave the Treasurer’s Report which was accepted as read.
Old Business:
Maria reported on our progress in the fund for restoring the village fence. We have had many generous donations. We are leaning toward engaging Mr. Gallion as he is local and highly competent. We will explore going directly to a building supply company to ask for a break on the price of materials. LaValley’s was mentioned. We are continuing to explore accepting volunteer help under Mr. Gallion’s direction. The fence should have several coats of high-grade primer which could be applied by volunteers inside Murray Hall (The Grange).
Maria and Joanne have worked to assemble information and materials for the coming Marlow Quilt Show which is part of the celebration of Marlow’s 250th year. The event itself is under the direction of Donna Chase and Marcia Levesque.
New Business:
Joanne and Maria have worked to review the materials at the MHS museum and office. They have decided that a number of the volumes we had which pertain to state and national government do not belong with MHS, and have arranged to have them placed elsewhere or sold. The copies of the Congressional Record, beginning with the Second Continental Congress, has been accepted at the State level. Agricultural bulletins have been moved on as have the volumes containing the State of New Hampshire laws and legal precedents from the beginning. Other similar materials have been removed as well. Some have been placed at HSCC. Some are on Craig’s List.
We reviewed parts of the program for the coming year and decided to arrange a NH Humanities program for the fall.
Respectfully submitted,
Loisanne Foster