School Board Minutes of Regular Meeting April 2009

April 8, 2009 / Minutes of Regular Meeting Marlow School Board John D. Perkins School / 7:30 p.m.


Joseph Scharf, Board Chair Stephanie Tickner, Board Member Marcia Levesque, Board Member Phyllis Peterson, Principal Wayne Woolridge, Co-Superintendent of Schools Timothy Ruehr, Business Administrator for Towns Jill Wdowiak, Recording Secretary

Ernie Perry

 1.      Call to Order Mr. Scharf called the School Board meeting to order at 7:37p.m

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to accept with regret, the resignation of Nancy Tomasko from the Marlow School Board. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf that Ernie Perry fill the vacant school board seat until the district meeting in March. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. Mr. Woolridge informed Mr. Perry that he couldn't vote until either the moderator or the clerk swears him in.

2.      Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Ms. Tickner to approve the board minutes of March 12, 2009 (R). Mr. Scharf seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

 3.      Hearings of Individuals and/or Groups

Ms. Levesque, addressed Mr. Woolridge as an individual and not as a Board member. She explained that she had sent a flyer to the district for approval so that it could be sent home with students. She feels that the district is having a problem with the religious part of it Mr. Woolridge explained that when it con1es to the separation of church and state, we have to follow the law relative to what we base the approval of flyers on. He further explained that you could send the flyers home with students but you could invite a challenge regarding this. Ms. Levesque's feeling is that as a school, we celebrate many holidays and try to be tolerant of all religions but the minute we send it home in backpacks, we are promoting a particular religion. Mr. Scharf shared that he would hate to open us up for a lawsuit. Mr. Woolridge explained that he doesn't see a problem with having an Easter egg hunt but a problem could arise if the flyer is sent home. He further added that if an activity benefits students, and doesn't violate any law, he approves them. Mr. Woolridge stated that he wouldn't want to stand in the way of promoting something that would be a great experience for kids. He also offered to bring a policy to the Board if they'd like to discuss this further.

4.      Bills and Manifests

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the bills and manifests (cks # 5001657) in the amount of$645.00 and (cks # 5001658-5001681) in the amount of $28,630.24. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

5.      Financial Report

Mr. Ruehr presented the financial report showing a negative balance of -$891 as of April 8, 2009. He informed the Board that their financial status is basically unchanged from last month. Mr. Ruehr also shared with the Board that the end of unplanned purchasing would be the Monday after April vacation. He also updated the Board on the new drop out law, which could have some cost implications. Mr. Ruehr explained that kids could take night courses at Keene Community Ed, in addition to their full load at Keene High School, which would allow them to graduate early.

Employee Benefits Policy #5016 -Mr. Scharf would like this put on next month's agenda as he would have to abstain from the vote and we wouldn't have a quorum.

Definition of Employee Status Policy #5010 -This item will be brought back next month

Mr. Ruehr shared the positive information that was received regarding the audit that was done by Plodzik & Sanderson. He informed the Board that we would need to add the following two policies: Fraud and Investments. Mr. Ruehr will bring a sample policy to the Board in May.

6.      Reports

a.      Principal

Ms. Peterson presented her principal's report. She updated the Board on Kroka Expeditions and the team building programs. Ms. Levesque added that Kroka does incredible things and would like to know what they have to offer. Ms. Peterson will invite them to come and talk with the Board. Mr. Ruehr informed the Board that other schools put this type of program into their budget. Ms. Peterson distributed the new real estate brochure of the school to the Board.

b.      Co-Superintendent

Mr. Woolridge informed the Board that one student from Keene Middle School missed five or more days, as well as, one student from Keene High School. He also shared with the Board that Marlow did not make AYP and that 10 out of the 14 schools in the district did not make it. Mr. Woolridge shared with the Board that the next AREA meeting will be held on May 4th and the annual SAD Meeting will be held on May 18th. Both will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the LOlA.

c.       School Board Members


d.      S.A.D. 29 Committees

Previously discussed

7.      Old Business

a.      School Calendar 2009-2010

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the 2009-­2010 School Calendar. Ms. Levesque seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

b.      Other


8.      New Business

a.      Reaffirmation of School District Policies

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf to approve the Reaffirmation of the School District Policies. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken.

b.      Reorganization of School Board

This item will be brought back next month

c.       Other

Ms. Levesque asked if landscaping is in the budget for this summer. Ms. Peterson replied that this is our intent.

9.      Future Agenda/s

May -School Board Meeting Schedule 2009-2010

May -Employee Benefits Policy #5016

May -Definition of Employee Status Policy #5010

May -Reorganization of School Board

May -Fraud and Investment Policies

10.  Non-Public Session-R.S.A. 91-A:3

A motion was made by Mr. Scharf that the Board move into non-public session at 8:32 p.m. under the provisions ofR.S.A. 91-A:3 to discuss staff/student personnel. Ms. Tickner seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor was taken. Accompanying the Board was Mr. Woolridge and Ms. Peterson.

A motion was made by Ms. Levesque to return to open session at 9: 15 p.m., Ms. Tickner seconded the motion, all in favor.

11.  Adjournment

 Mr. Sharf adjourned the Board Meeting at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jill Wdowiak

Recording Secretary