Marlow Historical Society Minutes - April 2009
Executive Board Meeting / Marlow Historical Society / Thursday, April 2, 2009 / Chapel Maria Baril, Mary Blank, Gen Ells, Loisanne Foster, Pam Little, and Candy Wiggum were present. Loisanne read the Secretary’s Report which was accepted as amended. Mary presented the Treasurer’s Report. In all accounts, we have $4228.03. OLD BUSINESS Dr. Robert Goodby will speak on New Hampshire’s Native American past, “Digging Up New Hampshire History” at 1:00 pm on April 28 at Perkins School. This program, sponsored by MHS and the NHHC is free and open to the public. Pam confirms that Rebecca Rule is engaged to speak at Jones Hall on November 12 at 7:00 pm. This MHS and NHHC sponsored program is also free to the public. Candy suggested that we set a date to plant the three remaining elms. We will need to mix the fertilizers in advance. Since we need the Highway Dept. to dig the holes and lift the root balls. Mary will talk to Tony Davis about a date. We agreed that Wednesday would be a fine day of the week to accomplish this. We will place one by the cemetery, one by Jones hall to replace the dead cherry tree, and one on the bank by the school near the other. NEW BUSINESS The joint meeting of MHS and the Conservation Commission is scheduled for April 16. It will be either at Perkins School or the Town Offices. Maria, membership chairperson, reported that we have 57 members, 19 of which are lifetime members and 13 of which are sustaining members. We will invest the $500.00 from two new lifetime memberships with an addition $500.00 to create a $1000.00 CD. On Friday, May 15 at 7:00 pm, The Hour Glass Readers will perform “Cyrano Bergerac” sponsored by MHS. As before, we will provide refreshment and dessert finger food. On May 21, we will hold our Oral History 1960’s Program with dinner at 6:00 pm for the invited participants. The program will begin at 7:00 pm with the public invited. Mary will send the invitations. Loisanne will bring macaroni and cheese. Gen will provide a salad. A letter from Tim Symonds at Audio Accessories advises us that their plan “is to leave the original main structure intact and continue to work on the house and grounds...” They expect to remove the garage and south side wing and enhance the area that connects to the main house. We are pleased with this outcome. We are invited to walk through and see it. Jacqui Fay informs us us that the stimulus package coming from Washington has funds for grants for historical preservation and sent some details mentioning The National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Hart Fund for Small Towns, and Save America’s Treasures which deals with artistic treasures and historical buildings. We look up the N.H. Division of Historical Resources for further study. We briefly discussed heating and electricity for the Grange, the scenery curtains, and the Town Hall roof. The community-wide tag sale will be on May 16. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, |