2009 - 2012 Four Year Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Trends in Math and Reading for SAU 29 Schools
Congratulations to the students and teachers at John D. Perkins, Sr. School. Once again the school achieved Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as part of No Child Left Behind. The 2012 AYP results are based on the October 2011 New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) results. According to the New Hampshire Department of Education webpage, "To make AYP, a school or district must meet performance targets established for students in reading and mathematics, as well as meet state targets for student NECAP participation, attendance, and graduation (at high school only). Student performance is summarized for the whole school and subgroups of students including, by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational disability, and non- or limited- English proficient. To make AYP a school or district must meet the targets in every category (NECAP participation, performance, and graduation/attendance) for every subgroup. To comply with the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), all students within a school and district must demonstrate proficiency by 2013-2014." The Release of the 2012 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Reports on the DOE website said only 26% of New Hampshire schools made AYP in this period. Detailed information about Perkins School testing data can be found at the DOE Assessment and AYP Public Reporting Site.
The two graphs below show the four year AYP trend for SAU 29 schools from 2009 through 2012. Marlow student achievement has greatly improved over this time period. Principal Phyllis Peterson noted in her Aprill 11, 2012 Principal's Report to the Marlow School board that she and the teachers are "all very proud of our students and families for their cooperation to make sure all students were present during testing." She also thanked families for providing snacks during the three weeks of testing. She added, "It truly makes a difference when we all work together."