Marlow Historical Society
The Marlow Historical Society has a new website!
Please find us at

PO Box 12
Marlow, NH 03456
Murray Hall
144 Forest Rd, Marlow, NH 03456 - Directions
The Marlow Historical Society is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the State of New Hampshire, and as a Charitable Trust with the NH State Attorney General’s Office. Your tax deductible donation will help restore and preserve Marlow's historic buildings and collect and share Marlow's historic materials for generations to come. Online credit card donations are protected through encrypted SSL security.
Marlow Historical Society Privacy Policy:
The Marlow Historical Society will not sell, trade or share a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. We will only share personal information if a donor has given us specific permission to do so.
December 2024
This year we welcomed new and returning board members, and expressed our gratitude to those who had served. In May we held a special election to fill vacancies until the October annual meeting, bringing in provisional board members Pam Little, Vice-President; Gail Rowe, Secretary; and Patty Little and Stephanie Tickner, Directors. We thanked departing Directors Gary Levesque and Sharon Spalluto for their outstanding contributions.
Board members voted in at the October meeting were Peter Kinson, President; Pam Little, Vice President; Patty Little, Secretary; Pat Strickland, Treasurer; and Sharon Davis, Gail Rowe, and Stephanie Tickner, Directors.
Historians and descendants of Marlow families continue to reach out to the Historical Society through email and Facebook, providing opportunities for research and making new connections. Sometimes, after months of virtual communication, we are fortunate to meet some of our correspondents when they travel to Marlow. In August and November, Stephanie Tickner hosted tours with members of the Mack family, descendants of Silas Mack, one of the first Marlow settlers in the late 1700s. In October Stephanie and Dan Reed, Chair of the Marlow Cemetery Trustees, gathered with descendants of Blondin Towne to mark the placement of his memorial stone in the Village Cemetery after his 1945 burial location was confirmed. A descendant of the Knight, Miller, and Bill families also contacted us and is planning to travel from South Dakota next fall! Please keep the emails and messages coming.
In September Pam Little and Gail Rowe met with 5th and 6th grade students at Perkins Academy to talk about the history of old Marlow schoolhouses. This was followed by a “paint day” with local artist Angela Amato. The students’ paintings were displayed in Murray Hall for a special weeknight event and the final open house of the season. We eagerly anticipate meeting with students in the spring to continue discovering Marlow’s past while creating our future history together.
Pam and Stephanie also enjoyed representing the Historical Society in Jones Hall during Marlow’s annual Christmas on the Pond holiday fair on November 23, chatting with shoppers and listening to stories of Marlow’s past. We greatly appreciate the incredible support shown for the Society that day through donations and purchases of apparel and books.
We enjoy putting together our newsletters and are always looking for new material. Please reach out to us if you have Marlow recollections to share.
The open house at Murray Hall on the third Sunday of month from May to October continues to be a wonderful opportunity to connect with local and out-of-town visitors. Guests reminisce about Marlow, and enjoy viewing the displays, reading historical resources, and scanning through photo albums. We look forward to inviting the public back to the museum when the warm weather returns, either during the third Sunday open hours, or by appointment. In the meantime, follow our posts on the Marlow NH Historical Society Facebook page, or send us an email at
We welcome residents and anyone with a love of Marlow and its history to join us as members and supporters.
Board meets at Murray Hall at 6:30 pm second Tuesday of the month May to October.
Meetings are open to the public.
Announcements and Events
From May to October the museum will open on the third Sunday of the month, from 10am to noon
144 Forest Rd, Marlow, NH 03456 - Directions
Marlow Historical Society Fall 2024 Newsletter Posted
Remembering the people who worked to restoreMurray Hall; the genealogical research to learn about ancestor Betsey Brockway Huntley; the mystery of the Gee House replica; returning to Mack family roots in Marlow; a Marlow World War II Aircraft Warning Service (AWS) notebook, and more. Click here to read the full newsletter.
2nd Printing Now Available!
Civil War Journal of Corp. Ezra G. Huntley, Co. A, 18th Regt. N.H.V., Marlow, NH
From the Marlow Historical Society: We are thrilled and proud to inform all our members and friends that our latest publication, the transcription of Corporal Ezra George Huntley’s Civil War Journal, is now available for purchase. A collaborative undertaking, it is the culmination of many months of meticulous, painstaking work, and it is one of the Marlow Historical Society’s most significant and scholarly achievements. The journal was transcribed by Maria M. Baril, Chuck Mosher, and Stephanie Tickner. The foreword was written by historian Tracy Messer. Stephanie Tickner designed and edited the book.
Ezra George Huntley, a 39 year old Marlow family man who served in the 18th Regiment N.H.V., kept a faithful diary from September 2, 1864 to June 17, 1865. The 226 pages, originally written in often hard-to-decipher cursive, describe historical events and his own personal journey. It is so compelling that you just can’t put the book down.
This project is in keeping with the Marlow Historical Society’s mission to preserve and illuminate Marlow history, and its historic value is incalculable.
The books are available for purchase for $15 for local pickup, or $23 with shipping and handling. Sales support our ongoing efforts and our mission. You may request a book by emailing or order online by choosing a purchase option below.
You can read our article about the journal in the Fall 2022 MHS newsletter.
Marlow By Heart: Poetry of a Small New Hampshire Town
In 2016, the Marlow Historical Society published a collection of Marlow poetry from the 1700s to the present, with historical images and beautiful pictures by local photographers. The writing expresses love of the land and community, themes that carry from some of the earliest settlers through to today.
The books are available for purchase for $15 for local pickup, or $23 with shipping and handling. Sales support our ongoing efforts and our mission. You may request a book by emailing or order online by choosing a purchase option below.
Marlow's book of poems an ode to its history
You can read how the Marlow by Heart came to be in 2016 Keene Sentinel article, "Marlow's book of poems an ode to its history".
Posted: November 20, 2016 in The Keene Sentinel by Steve Gilbert
Sifting through the town’s rich historical archives, members of the Marlow Historical Society occasionally come across homegrown poems, hymns and lyrics. They are snapshots of history, scattered in the troves, spread through time. Thus, Maria Baril, president of the historical society, woke with clarity and an idea at 3 a.m. one day in late September: Why not arrange the town’s history in a book of poems, as composed by Marlow’s own residents, past and present?" Click here to read more...
Marlow History by Elgin Jones and Marlow Historical Society Newsletter Collection 2012-2019
There's always so much to learn about Marlow history. The Marlow History book by Elgin Jones, and the newly published Marlow Historical Society Newsletter Collection 2012-2019 contain all kinds of interesting information and stories about our beautiful town.
The Marlow History is available for $25 and the newsletter collection is $15 and are available by emailing
Marlow Historical Society Greeting Cards Available
These sketches were created by Randy Plotts and come in sets of 10 cards with envelopes for $10 per set
(5 winter and 5 summer scenes).
Available by emailing